View Full Version : Sudden (perhaps irrational) panic related to hair bleach, looking for reassurance!

14-12-13, 02:06
I used bleach on my hair today twice to highlight it and it's been on my hands all day, I've washed my hands multiple times and had showers, but you can see slight dry residue of it on my fingertips,

I'm in a panic because I was eating crisps and there was a tiny amount of it on the fingers I used to pick up the bleach, do you think this is a real health worry or am I being irrational like usual? Because I would have thought it would be dangerous if digested :/

I mean, it's not like I swallowed any hair peroxide, the stuff on my hands was very dry may I add

Quick replies please or my mind will convince me to worry :(

14-12-13, 02:10
Is this quick enough? LOL

Yes you are being irrational, just like we all are most of the time as the anxiety rears it's ugly head:mad::mad:

Such a teeny tiny amount of something wouldn't be harmful at all and you have no need to worry, although I probably would be too until 2moro when all is well again for a wee while :yesyes:

Sometimes reassurance does help, I know I have been helped on here.

Wait until 2moro when you will wonder why you were so scared and panicked. Take it easy on yourself.


14-12-13, 02:33
do you think this is a real health worry or am I being irrational like usual?

I know your irrational side is trying to tell you something that totally doesn't make sense but what does your rational side say?

Positive thoughts