View Full Version : Petechiae... Reassurance needed?

14-12-13, 03:20
Hi everyone,

For the last two months, I've been noticing these tiny red, pink, slightly purple dots appear on my inner biceps, forearms, and on my thigh. They seem to have all the characteristics of petechiae and come in these generally straight line formations that resemble scratches from far away. The 'break-outs' if you will are usually confined to an area of a few square inches, have come around every 2-3 weeks, and fade away within 1-3 days. I've had 6 different episodes now.

I'm convinced its petechiae but I have no clue what could be causing it. It's usually caused by low platelet count, but I recently got a CBC done as part of a routine physical and my platelet range appeared normal (it's 208, with the normal range being (140-450). When I got the test done, I mentioned these marks to my doctor but couldn't actually show him because I didn't have any at the time. He said if they are appearing in generally straight lines, then it must be from an outside source, meaning they're just bruising from everyday trauma. I haven't been able to get a clear answer as to whether petechiae can appear in a similar straight formation.

I don't know. I like to think I'm an otherwise a very healthy individual but these marks are freaking me out. I've never had anything like this before and I have no idea what could be causing this internal bleeding on my skin. It's really contributing to my health anxiety that's been developing in the last year.

Any thoughts? Reassurance or a simple explanation would be amazing. Thank you.

14-12-13, 03:40
Actually never heard of this before until now. Sounds like something only a doctor could diagnose.

Best take that route as no one here can diagnose you via a written description.

Positive thoughts

14-12-13, 22:34
Thank you for your response, Fishmanpa. I appreciate it.

I've gone to my doctor several times throughout the past few months for various things (a cold, sore throat from air conditioning blowing into my face without me knowing, routine physical / STD testing) and I'm a little embarrassed to return with something else 'wrong' with me. And if I do go, I want to make sure these marks are visible when he examines them, but I never know when they're going to come. When they do, they'll probably be gone by my appointment date.

This is just really weird for me. Nothing's ever been wrong with me, but becoming sexually active in the last year has caused me to develop health anxiety about STD's. Tests always come back fine and healthy but I'm fearing this anxiety is becoming more consuming and these marks aren't helping.

Anyone else have any thoughts about this? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.