View Full Version : Panic must go

14-12-13, 08:03
Hi, iv been having panic disorders on and off for the last 5 years, I suffer at the moment by pretty much every symptom on the left! I think I'm getting depression as well. I'm now a dad and my daughter is now 10 months old, all my anxiety has returned at a time my other half has returned to work. Maybe this is the cause? My main issue is I feel like I have something major wrong with me like my heart. But iv had ecgs and blood tests showing normal. I constantly life owing for answers and piece of mind. I wake up with the most unpleasant feelings that run into my legs, so hard to get through it. So scared. Finding it hard to go to work, or out, I force my self though. But get worse when people tell me I look I'll. Just want my life back. Iv been on prozac for a week, never again! Then Dusilapin and now it's being reduced to taper martazipine. Iv seen hypnotherapy but not helped. Waiting for cbt now. Hope I can help others as well as myself. Trying to be strong....

14-12-13, 09:14
Be strong, were still here. I'm trying to live for today and let tomorrow deal with itself. We all know how you feel.

14-12-13, 18:00
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.