View Full Version : What are yours like?

14-12-13, 08:21
I was wondering how severe your palpitations are? The description is a flutter or flip flop but mine can be very forceful and I just wondered what everyone else's were like who have been given the all clear? Mine also change, sometimes its just one but sometimes I can have a run. And those who have been given the all clear, do you get any other symptoms?

14-12-13, 09:10
These ectopic beats are safe. I have them. I was tested and they could see the ectopic beats. It's normal. Everyone has them. But we notice them more when we are under stress. I have been told this time and time again. So now I ignore them. I have them usually when my stomach plays up. I do get a run of them at times or just a couple. But I can also go months without them please font worry.

14-12-13, 10:57
Ah I replied and it lost my reply.
I've had them for many many years and told nothing wrong. But lately I've been getting this aching under my armpits. Spasms in the centre if my chest and I asked if it could be reflux and the dr said no probably muscular. But I get sharp spasms of pain with the heartbeat. I just have this feeling about these symptoms that doesn't sit right with me.

14-12-13, 11:04
It's probably spasms. I gave them quite a lot. I know for me it's my stomach but I gave stomach issues anyway. But I get scared just incase it's my heart. I get the pain In my left arm and under my left arm pit. Plus under my left ribs. But the pain is awful. Very scary. I know. I react to this pain very badly. I go into panic straight away. Then it goes from bad to worse.

14-12-13, 11:30
Mine is on the flank, not the front left. Mine is very painful too and feels quite deep but can't pinpoint where its coming from.
I don't know whether I'm just linking the palpitations and this pain together or whether they are linked if that makes sense

14-12-13, 11:55
It can be deep. But it can be sharp to stabbing to what the hell do I do. I have tried hot water bottle it helps. When I get pain. My breast bone as well. But mainly in the back. It just varies. The pain and the ectopics are not relevant. It's probably muscular as ectopic a are not painful. As always you need to be reassured by our GP. I still say if the government were to help people with mental health issues the NHS would not be in the mess it's in. There are millions as us who are struggling someway or another. x

14-12-13, 12:18
Mine vary. I can go months without and then get a few flurries. Most are the classic fluttery ones, but just as I am coping with those, I will get huge heavy thuds which feel like a drumbeat. I find them scarier but I know they are still well within the norm, and the trick is to ignore them and wait it out. Personally I do something to keep my mind busy if I am getting them.

I also think it is connected (for me anyway) with a few nights' bad sleep. So I make sure I rest/nap and get some extra iron too.

14-12-13, 13:13
Hi Speranza, yes that's similar to me. I just think it's part of anxiety.