View Full Version : Still worrying about cancer again and my heart again

14-12-13, 09:46
A long windy entry sorry.

So after 6 sessions of CBT so far and having the useful link last night http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/ which was given to me on the chat room.
I think things are trying to sink in, but still very frighten about I may have something serious with symptoms (or probably because I am getting older more aches and pains)

I am still worrying what if I have cancer and do I have cancer and don't know it. I am frighten of every symptom I get. had bad rumbling a few days ago. I am still worrying about do I have bowel cancer, testicular cancer, brain tumours etc.

I am also worrying about piles and don't know it. I do get the odd ache in the bone above the bottom hole and nothing can be done about this. I try not to strain when going for a poop.

I also can't help looking at my poop and urine.

From my abdominal pains and digital figure exam up bottom and abdominal felt. blood test earlier this year. and 3 scans plus the camera up my backside. IBS (even though I been told I may have a loopy pouch thingy on the small bowel)

I had my appointment at the dentist last month and said again I was worrying about oral/mouth cancer.

I am back on the path worrying about testicular cancer, still cannot have having a good old poke round the testicles and the tubes.

14-12-13, 10:19
Hi Phil, what did your CBT therapist say to you about worrying over symptoms? Did you get any particular exercises to do?

14-12-13, 11:36
The difference is, now, in reading your post, you recognize that it's irrational when before you were just irrational. I'd say the therapy is working and you need to buck up and work a little harder at applying it ;)

Positive thoughts

14-12-13, 13:13
Don't look in the toilet man :-). That's a terrible way to live

You will know in your gut if something is really wrong

14-12-13, 18:10
Many thanks for your replies

I have been given tips I can make the choice to check by my cbt coach. or that thought again in my head is just anxiety, with being 30 I am more worried than when I was 29. I am scared that I could be serious ill, but know if I was I would not be able to post on here.

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

I am still scared, I am afraid I have something serious wrong with me and don't know even though I had these scans. nothing will convince me that there is nothing wrong with me because nothing has been found.
From 2012 I have diagnosed myself with at least 200 types of cancer and diseases even though the GPS says it just IBS.

I have done the crime in the past of daily mail, googling, reading symptoms etc. I always take the worst option as what I think my symptoms could be.

14-12-13, 18:36
Phil am in exact same boat. Its a living hell at mo xx

14-12-13, 19:01
Phil , you are 30. Do you want your 30's to be a list decade that you spent worrying?

Embrace the moment. Learn to meditate, do yoga , read a book ! Join a gym and feel your muscles burn, live life !!!

16-12-13, 11:21
I don't wont to spent all my time worrying about my health. but still fear a lot worrying about the aches, symptoms etc.
I have not been to see a GP for a while and if I could would go every single day if I could.