View Full Version : Christmas Shopping Insanity

14-12-13, 14:32
Well, I can't put it off any longer. Christmas is just around the corner and I haven't started shopping yet.

I'm trying not to think of past Christmas shopping excursions. Nothing can bring on feelings of panic and anxiety quicker for me than a crowded mall with loads of people, brushing by me in a hurry. Being in one far corner of the mall with the exit a mile away generally preys on my nerves. I always let the
"what if" thinking get the best of me. Trapped and can't get out is what I end up thinking.

So, long story short, my partner and I are getting ready to spend a big chunk of the day Christmas shopping. I am trying not to dread the event. Trying hard to think of a way to look forward to it and to make it fun.

I've loaded on my phone all of my techniques for coping with stressful events. Tring to be aware of my automatic thoughts. Getting ready to combat those thoughts with more positive and rational thoughts. I knowmthat. Can do this, but I sure wish that I could manage to look forward to it.

Any ideas on coping techniques for crowded situations would be helpful.

14-12-13, 15:23
I talk to people. I'll talk to anyone near me who's also waiting in a cue. It takes your mind off the situation your in. Happy shopping.

14-12-13, 15:27
Thanks Raphaels, I will try to do that. It also gives me the idea to focus on watching the people that are smiling and looking happy.

14-12-13, 15:28
Good Morning, Tanner!
I feel ya on the Christmas shopping....I have been doing most of mine from Amazon so I don't have to leave the house. :(

I read something recently that might help- visualize the whole mall set up while you are still in the comfort of your own home. Try to really immerse yourself in what it will be like for your senses, but don't put yourself in the picture. Then freeze that frame in your mind, and put yourself in the picture. You are in charge of it. You are the director of the scene. Instead of picturing all this stuff going on around you and/or to you- you picture yourself navigating it all and in control.

I am sorry if I am not able to repeat that as clearly as it was written when I read it, but I do hope it will help. I am proud of you for pushing through and heading out. You can do this! Report back and let us know how it goes!
(Tonight we have a big Christmas party to attend that I am dreading. I won't know most people there, but it is important to my family that I go....and if Anxiety won't stay at home...I will just bring him with me and try to get him to behave. Lol.)

14-12-13, 15:31
Morning, Too Much! Great idea and one that I will definitely use. Takes one right out of the victim mentality and puts you right in the driver's seat. I will report back and let you know how it works. A new tool to add to my tool box is always a great thing. Good luck with your party tonight and let's hope that you leave your unwanted date at home.

14-12-13, 16:30
I know you're heading out but maybe you can convince your partner to do this either late or first thing in the morning.

I don't have anxiety as you know but I hate crowds and the craziness associated with shopping at Christmas. Much of what I purchased was on-line (ebay, etc.) and some in the stores. I went out this morning just as the stores opened and treated it like a Black-Ops mission. Review the mission (have a list and know what you're shopping for), Hit the entrance hard... find the target...initiate response and bug out! The enemy (crowds) were still mostly asleep so there was no obstacles in the way ;) BAM! Done and home wrapping!

Enjoy it whatever you do ya hear!

14-12-13, 20:48
I hope it all goes well for you :)

I absolutely hate Christmas shopping, battling the crowds, screaming kids, plus getting walloped and shoved by rolls of wrapping paper and all of the rest of the utter mayhem!!! :wacko:

All of mine gets done online now, done whilst I'm sitting in the comfort, peace and calm of my own home with a nice cup of tea or coffee.........then a couple of days later, all delivered to my door................perfect!! :yesyes:

15-12-13, 00:24
Well, back from the "Black Ops Christmas Mission", as Fishmanpa would say. I had my list and I checked it twice...

Thanks to everyone that gave me some great advice this morning. It worked like a charm. I talked to friendly folks in line and only paid attention to people who were smiling and looked like they were in a good mood. I must saynthat it was a great distraction and I had no anxiety what so ever.

It felt great to get a third of my shopping done and I'll be back out there tomorrow, hopefully with the same positive attitude. It truly is amazing what we can do with a plan, support and trusting in ourselves.

It felt like a great day and I had a break in the middle of the day at a lovely restaurant.

15-12-13, 10:56
Well done Tanner. You're doing all the right things at the moment with the right attitude.

15-12-13, 13:27
Thanks Skippy. Things are definitely getting better and I'm expanding my comfort zone on a weekly basis. Hoping that today's shopping expedition goes as smoothly as yesterday's.
You're so right in the fact that our thoughts and out attitudes are a huge piece of the battle.