View Full Version : I want to do so many things at once

14-12-13, 14:34
I'm sat here trying to read my eckhart tolle book but I can't keep still without doing other things , at the same time. I can't concentrate or take in what I'm reading because I can't stop thinking so I'm feeling pretty buzzed at the moment but it is for no reason , not that I can think of. I haven't been sleeping well for the past week but I don't feel tired from lack of sleep either it feels like my body is not producing relaxing hormones if that makes sense , I know its weird. What is this ?

14-12-13, 15:25
Anxiety. I'm watching Rivet Cottage. But focusing on my tense muscles.

14-12-13, 15:52
This I would call "agitation", an anxiety symptom. Your thoughts race and your body is firing too much adrenaline still but you feel no particular fear. Quite normal as your body is trying to settle and it will go down. You may suddenly feel quite tired or low in a day or too, anxiety can make your moods like a pendulum. Just let the feelings float through you and carry on exactly as normal.

14-12-13, 16:10
Yup, just restlessness. When I can't get my thoughts to stop racing, I phone someone up for a conversation, because I find it easier to focus when someone is demanding my attention. If you manage to focus on one thing for a bit like that, it distracts you and the other thoughts die away, so you feel less agitated.