View Full Version : My brain

14-12-13, 14:37

Just a quick one. Today 3 times I have been on my phone reading something whilst people talk to me and I have not known a thing they have said. I know it's partly because I am not concentrating on them but does this sound a symptom of a brain tumour or anything. I have other issues but never this one? Trying to deal better with things and not panicking as much.

14-12-13, 14:49
Congratulations on trying to deal with things more calmly, Sean. When I'm reading something or focused on a task, half od the time I realize that I haven't heard a word that someone is saying. That is so utterly normal for me. Have you tried the free online CBT course yet? And what fun things do you have planned for your weekend?

14-12-13, 15:11
So you think it's normal, it's happened 3 times today. Haven't had time but got spare time tonight for it. At home with family but out tomorrow to have lunch with family and friends.

14-12-13, 15:12
Sounds completely normal to me. When I'm doing something on my phone (like writing this post, for instance), I'm completely oblivious to what's going on around me. I guess some people are better at multi-tasking like this than others and you sound like me, one thing at a time is best.


14-12-13, 15:38
Hope it is, my mind is distracted at the moment. Does anyone else get this. Doesn't sound like it could be anything else?

14-12-13, 16:14
Hope it is, my mind is distracted at the moment. Does anyone else get this. Doesn't sound like it could be anything else?

Stop it dude! Use your rational brain and calm yourself down. You've been through this and posted about the identical fear a dozen times before so you know what the deal is. You already got reassurance so buck up. Go read Skippy's book and find something to bring you down to earth.

And here's what you said just the other day.... IN WRITING ON THIS FORUM

"I am in a position where I don't have a choice but fight for this now and I am going to find the strength to do something. I need to be in a better position than I am now for sure. I need to do something NOW.


Positive thoughts