View Full Version : Feeling horrible! Please help someone

14-12-13, 21:57
So I'm at work and I feel horrible it's just come on all of sudden after I went outside for a cig about an hour ago... I feel tired and ill like my head feels heavy like actually weight heavy on my neck and I have this weird floaty, off balance feeling. Just want to go home now even though I work on commission and haven't made a penny. Just feel so horrible and like I can't cope with all this crap anymore x

14-12-13, 22:50
Hey, I have felt the same so many times before...
Try a few tasks such as counting backwards and deep breathing at the same time...
All I can say is crack on and you will get through it :)

15-12-13, 00:33
I've felt like this many times, Sarah. I find that if I find a task at work to distract myself with, it really helps the floaty feeling to go away.

15-12-13, 10:02
Chin up Sarah :hugs:

15-12-13, 20:35
Iv had a massive lack of sleep this weekend due to work and insomnia ... Now I feel all weak and shaky can tiredness cause that ? And thanks for replies people

15-12-13, 20:39
Sarah - of course it can, but I think logically you know that too.

So now, what are you doing about your anxiety? X

15-12-13, 21:35
Been prescribed sertraline to start tomorrow an to the mental health services for more therapy x

15-12-13, 21:50
Ok - and bear in mind this is just what I think so ignore if you like.

What are you going to do? Therapy is fab and medication certainly has its place, but Sarah you are in charge. So what positive steps are you going to take? How about not googling, or just sitting with your anxiety until it becomes boring? Or more fun - do something spontaneous that will remind you how great life is even if you don't feel like it.

There are really positive steps you can take, and each will make you feel that bit better x

15-12-13, 22:34
Well Iv started uni ... I try an focus on good things but I have a pretty boring life as it is! Seem to be stuck in a rut x

15-12-13, 22:46
Well let's assume for a second that you are as unimaginative as me and you use your birth year as your name. So you are 25 - what a fab opportunity to get out of a rut. What do you enjoy? What makes you buzz? What have you always wanted to try?

I am 35 now and cannot believe how my life has changed in ten years. The world is your lobster! Go grab it and push anxiety into the background.

15-12-13, 23:06
I know this is chasing circles but I feel to scared to make plans all the time cos I feel like I know I'm going to die soon ... Like a 6th sense an I feel like if I make plans I'm tempting fate x

15-12-13, 23:19
I'm 24 and I know what ur saying I know logically we have all gotta go one day but I just feel like I will go soon I never feel 100 I always seem to feel off or poorly it's a horrible feeling x

15-12-13, 23:23
I hope so! 6 yrs is a long time to feel this bad feel like I'm wasting the drug free, lucid years of my youth x

15-12-13, 23:58
All the things I enjoy doing involve spending money lol .. Money I don't always have. I'm abit of a crank really x

16-12-13, 08:38
you have felt this way for 6 years ? so you have basically lost the years between 18 - 24 , thats horrible for you

Have you tried therapy ?