View Full Version : So scared, can't cope with this panic over meds

14-12-13, 22:40
Had a virus, sinus headache which turned into a chesty cough and really swollen tonsils. Went to doc - was diagnosed with tonsilitis and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection - prescribed Penicillin v. Now I'm on Citalopram and didn't consider whether there would be a contraindication.

Two days in I googled contraindications, found that someone had written never to mix the two. I panicked a little bit...Then found somewhere else that there is an increase risk of sudden fainting as a side effect..

Now I'm panicking, i'm shaky in myself and constantly feel like I'm going to faint and the world seems to randomly spin around and I feel like I can't think properly (losing words).

Also noticed when I start feeling hungry I quickly need to eat or I start getting shaky like low blood sugar.

Please someone reassure me? I know a previous post I did was moved to medication but no one responded and I could really use some support.

Is there a reason to worry about contraindications? What's happening?

15-12-13, 00:35
I would recommend speaking to your pharmacist. The pharmacist probably knew you were on both medications and if he/she thought it a problem, I'm sure they would have told you.

15-12-13, 02:07
First off, the doctor wouldn't/shouldn't have prescribed it if it had detrimental side effects and the pharmacist would have said something if he thought there might be an issue as well. For two trained professionals to miss something that could be considered detrimental to your health is slim at best.

I did a little look-see about the interaction and I didn't get at all what you did. In the short term (the time needed to take the two together) you should be fine. Long term is where there can be some issues. Ironically an increase in anxiety.

As was stated, consult the pharmacist or your doctor if you're concerned.

Positive thoughts and prayers

15-12-13, 10:03
Thank you for your responses. I managed to settle and rationalise that antibiotic side effects along with still fighting the original illness is probably what is making me feel like this. Obviously when I searched I scanned all the responses to find the one negative as opposed to the 99 positive responses.

I do worry a lot about side effects as I am quite sensitive to a lot of medication.