View Full Version : Brain issues final part, pledge to make this last time

15-12-13, 08:01

15-12-13, 08:06
You forgot because you were half asleep. Simple

15-12-13, 08:21
I was more awake than asleep though and it just went out of my head.

15-12-13, 08:26
And ???? Is that it ???

It went out cos it was the middle of the night and you suffer from extreme anxiety

If you had a brain tumour then you would know it. You would likely have exchruiating headaches and even pass out

15-12-13, 09:23
Thanks jimbob. Has anyone had this

---------- Post added at 09:23 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

Would anyone else worry about this or see it as normal

15-12-13, 09:45
This happens to me in the middle of the day! It's nothing more than stress, tiredness and an overloaded brain. This is one hundred percent normal. I'm surprised it's never happened to you before.

15-12-13, 09:49
Hi Sean

In honesty I cannot think of anything new to say. Caveating posts seeking reassurance with more and more definitive statements about today being the day just doesn't make any sense to me nor sound terribly convincing.

You don't need to convince anyone here of your determination to get better as this forum wi always I imagine be populated with requests for advice about particular symptoms etc. so your posts are no different.

What your posting history must tell you is that your current strategy to beat anxiety is not working. You know my opinion is that it is unlikely to work whilst someone is locked on an individual symptom and on here posting for reassurance.

I have seen a wondeful side to you in a brief period when you started to take this on, and I hope that you find the determination to get back there.

15-12-13, 10:04
When do you start counselling ,posting like this on here isn't helping you at all

15-12-13, 11:01
3 months at least. To be honest I know I haven't got a brain tumour but there's always a worry. I put my jeans on just now and they may be looser but can't tell. Now I think I'm losing more wait so must be cancer. It's pathetic. I have to stop this

---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

I swear my jeans were not this loose before.

15-12-13, 11:03
I think you said before that you could afford to go private. Why don't you do that? Even if it has the remotest possibility of helping it has to be worth the investment to have a chance of helping you out of where you are now.

15-12-13, 11:37
Not going to happen as wife having none of it. Did speak to her. This weight issue has overpowered the brain worry and now I can logically say I don't have a brain issue but maybe have cancer.

15-12-13, 11:59

I am determined to move forward TODAY however I woke up in the night was thinking something whilst laying down on way back to sleep and something I was thinking there and then went straight out of my head. I could think the last thing I thought but everything before went out of my head. Out of everything this is the most nearest memory loss I've had. Can someone help.

Never said this but I am making a hundred per cent pledge to make this the LAST time for reassurance ever and I feel it's a okay one.

I'm taking steps to fight this and it's working but haven't slept as this has sated me

From previous posts:

"I promise THIS IS IT. I am going to change myself NOW. I dont want reassurance but just to know its normal."

"I just need to get over this one issue"

"Last question I'm going to take some time to get better and come back to show everyone I can do it"

"There will be no more, I'm taking a break"


With all due respect, you need intervention. You mentioned that you have difficulty holding down a job and it's obvious you are totally consumed by HA by the frequency and nature of your posts.

For the sake of yourself and your family I suggest you consider immediate help. Perhaps a facility that can take you in and offer intensive, individual therapy for a period of time to help get you straight.

Positive thoughts and good luck!

15-12-13, 12:07
Not going to happen as wife having none of it. Did speak to her. This weight issue has overpowered the brain worry and now I can logically say I don't have a brain issue but maybe have cancer.

So your wife would rather put up with this than sacrifice a few pounds and have a decent chance of positive change. I know when I discussed it with my wife months ago she didn't blink and I can confidently say that she views it as a good investment given i am a better husband and father for it, the two most important jobs I have!

15-12-13, 12:21
I hide a lot from her and she doesn't understand. It's difficult.

15-12-13, 12:27
Not going to happen as wife having none of it. Did speak to her. This weight issue has overpowered the brain worry and now I can logically say I don't have a brain issue but maybe have cancer.

That doesn't make sense Sean. You said yourself she's fed up with your behavior and took the kids and left once already. If you were physically ill and needed treatment, would she have "none of it"? Perhaps you should show her your posts and posting history and ask her again.

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 07:27 ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 ----------

I hide a lot from her and she doesn't understand. It's difficult.

How can you hide the time you spend on the internet and here? She has to notice and wonder what you're doing and posting about. If she truly loves you and cares and she saw the torment you're going through, she would want you to get help.

Positive thoughts

15-12-13, 12:28
I know it may look like we are being unkind Sean, but you need to know that by virtue of being here we want nothing more than for you to get better. Personally I no longer feel the need to come on here for reassurance (although I know that might change) so I only come on here to try and support other people.

You talk like a dieter sometimes, always tomorrow and always a reason not to take a positive step. I have said it before but the only place getting better comes from is inside of you. I know it is difficult, in fact phenomenally tough, but if you had told me six months ago that I would be looking forward to hosting a big family Christmas then I would have thought you were kidding me.

15-12-13, 12:59
I completely understand the way you reply and would do same in your position. I really need help. Now I keep worrying about my past diet again thinking it could have caused cancer---third thing today. I have read two books which were very good over last few days started online CBT have come off google so why am I still like this. I'm going to talk proply to my wife tonight. I'm in my healthy prime as my doctor keeps saying yet worry so much. I don't take drugs or smoke. Rarely drink and have a bit of a bad diet but is improving. Need to get a grip

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

Good on you Chris and hope I can say same next year

15-12-13, 13:15
My anxiety is probably as bad as yours at the mo, and I went to my doc the other day and he says he wont put me for any more medical tests for reassurance as it causes more anxiety. Whicj I think is right but frustrating. Xx

15-12-13, 13:23
Sean, good for you on taking steps to start the online therapy. I do the online CBT. Possible you could start a thread about what you're learning with the online CBT and how you're utilizing it. A daily post that talks about the coping mechanisms that you learn each day, and others could chime in and have a discussion around that.

That could be a very positive post that might help you to distract yourself from your worries and you might also help others. Sure would be better for you than the reassurance seeking. What do you think?

15-12-13, 14:09
Paying for counselling once a month is a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things,that's what I'm doing
I think it would really help you get yourself on the straight and narrow path to recovery

15-12-13, 14:40
My anxiety is probably as bad as yours at the mo, and I went to my doc the other day and he says he wont put me for any more medical tests for reassurance as it causes more anxiety. Whicj I think is right but frustrating. Xx

I think he is spot on. In fact when I went to my GP with this I specifically asked her not to refer me for tests unless it was in her objective opinion necessary.

15-12-13, 18:30
This happens to me all the time, its annoying! I mentioned it to an older friend of mine and she said it happens to her too (she doesnt suffer from HA). I think its pretty normal, i even forgot my boss' name the other day - crazy!

17-12-13, 12:35
Being forgetful is completely normal. I will sit there at work, staring blankly at the screen when a split second before I was supposed to be doing something. It USED to freak me out but with CBT I know its nothing more than when I'm feeling somewhat anxious my brain is just overloaded with thoughts and some things slip through the net.
You really really need to address these now you seem to be no further forward with this from months and months ago.

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ----------

Also working as a medical secretary (a huge achievement for me considering I had chronic GAD surrounded by HA back in April-July time, don't believe me read my posts!) you really start to determine what is classed as 'sinister' or warrants further tests. Believe me the amount of people who I deal with that want reassurance so they pester for an MRI, then ring every other day crying asking for something to help them sleep because they're worried, when litrally theyre whole examination/bloods/CT are unremarkable and show absolutely no red flag symptoms atall