View Full Version : Hi everyone

15-12-13, 12:17
Hi there, I'm Edward. 23 years old.

Found this forum because I was doing a search on HIV phobia and signed up because of it. Previously had a history of depression that I thought I overcome but now have this phobia that's controlling me.

I had sex 2 months ago with a prostitute which was a mistake I regret. I made sure to use a condom for all even oral sex and immediately after, started thinking what if I contracted HIV...and that's where my phobia with it started.

I quit my job shortly after and stayed at home mostly. One month after, I took my HIV test and was tested negative. Doctor said he's never seen a case of it turning positive after one month so I was fine for a bit. Few days later, the doubts start to return and I think what if the test was wrong.

Took another test 2 weeks later and was tested negative again. Doctor even told me to simply move on and the counselor I saw for the STD testing I took even said it was more of my mind and that with my sexual history, the chances are remote.

Well, this 2 days, I've been feeling sick and even though I always get ill at this time due to the weather, I can't help but think if I have HIV and am planning to get another HIV test next week. I don't know how to stop myself feeling this way.

Sorry for the long story guys.

15-12-13, 22:16
Hi welcome to NMP. If your tests have been negative then they should reassure you. They will be correct.

16-12-13, 01:20
Thanks guys. I know the tests were negative but I still can't help but obsess over it especially since I'm now having a bit of symptoms even though it's more likely to be due to the weather (been raining nearly everyday).

When I went for testing, the doctors and counselor's tried to reassure me but I still obsess over it. I've made an appointment with the psychiatrist first week of january but in the meantime, being sick only adds to my fears.