View Full Version : Can anyone in the forum answer this question.

15-12-13, 13:33
I'm confused. All morning I have felt anxious. Feel yuk in the stomach.
Just took my BP and it's normal. I have all the feelings of anxiety yet no High BP or high pulse,. Which is what I was expecting.
I always thought if you are anxious that your in the fight or flight mode. So is my body lying to me. Very confused. Anyone with answers appreciated.

15-12-13, 14:49
Hi, this freaked me out at first as well. I was feeling faint a lot last year, which I associate with anxiety, so I would check my pulse to prove to myself it was anxiety and it would be going REALLY slowly...which just made confused. But the fact was, I was faint because I was completely exhausted. It was still anxiety-related, but it wasn't flight or fight, it was pure exhaustion.

You can have stomach problems and have a sense of anxiety without flight or fight, your body is probably knackered. Don't worry, none of this suggests you're in any danger.

By the way, I'd steer clear of BP machines if you have health anxiety. Seriously, unless your GP has told you you have a BP issue and has asked you specifically to monitor it, throw that thing away. There is no reason - at all - for anyone without prior BP issues that are under medical supervision to measure their BP. Your pressure goes up and down all day for loads of reasons.

15-12-13, 14:50
I think you should ask yourself why you would or should be in the slightest bit concerned by this.

15-12-13, 14:57
I think you should ask yourself why you would or should be in the slightest bit concerned by this.

Spot on CP!

Positive thoughts

15-12-13, 15:08
Hi thanks to all who answered. I'm taking my BP as I have to regularly for the GP. I'm on BP Tablets. I think I'm getting to the stage that I need to come off them. As I've list weight and started exercising. Not worried so much but confused. I just thought that if your in anxiety mode then BP goes up.