View Full Version : could this be just anxiety ?

15-12-13, 19:39
hi iim not sure if this is just anxiety. but I keep getting a headache everyday and every now and then I feel sort of a bit weird its hard to explain but it feels as if im abit lightheaded or dizzy even tho im not if that makes any sence. im trying not to let these symtoms bother me as I want to try and overcome my anxiety, so could they be apart of anxiety symtoms , as I don't want to run up to my gp like I usally do everytime I get new symtoms thk u

15-12-13, 19:40
Do you have any problems with your eyesight?, and do you drink regularly to keep hydrated?

15-12-13, 19:48
hi thks for replying , I suffer from blured vision sometimes and now again I get zigzag flashing lights in one eye ,I have had my eyes tested a couple of mnths ago but optician said my eyes ok apart from I need reading glasses, as for the drinking I don't drink water or pop etc just tea about 6cups aday

15-12-13, 19:53
Tricia, generally when I get the flashing zig zag flashing lights, it's a migraine aura. Absolutely nothing to worry about. I find that deep breathing and just accepting the symptoms for what they are, anxiety, makes them lessen in intensity.

15-12-13, 19:55
I would say that you gotta decide for your self.. try drinking more water as that is proven to help with headaches and such.. however i would say don't hesitate to go and talk to a professional about it they are there to help and if you don't get it checked out and be probably be reassured that it's nothing it will only play on your mind more.
Happy Christmas :)

15-12-13, 19:56
thk you tanner for your reply feel a lot better knowing that the flashing lights are nothing to worry about now so thk u

16-12-13, 06:53
Tricia about 6 cups of tea a day is far too much caffeine for someone with anxiety problems, it would be a good idea to cut it down or cut it out altogether.

Tanner is correct that those flashing lights you see are a classic migraine symptom, which may explain how bad you feel. Migraine doesn't always mean a bad headache, it is a disturbance of the nervous system so can manifest in many ways.

Caffeine is a major migraine trigger, so the chances are that cutting out the six cups of tea and will have a good effect on your vision and overall health. Migraineurs need to make sure they drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid the risk of migraine, so swapping the tea for water would be a great idea.

Stress is also a major migraine trigger, so daily relaxation methods are highly recommended and this would also be great for your anxiety levels.