View Full Version : feeling ridiculous-why cant I let myself get better!?!

15-12-13, 21:50
ok.. my anxiety is pretty much under control at this moment in time. That's not speaking for tomorrow, or next week, or next month. Just right now.
In fact I feel well enough to laugh at my own HA stupidity!

I've spent about 4 months with a pain in my ribs. On the right side. I've probably made several posts about it. It's worried me a lot!!

I tried not to rush off to the doctors for every little thing, especially if there's a chance it could be anxiety related, so I didnt go and make them check it. But about a week ago, I had an appointment because I needed a new prescription for my meds so I had to go, so I thought I'd mention it.

She had a feel of my ribs and said she couldnt feel anything wrong with the bone, and it was probably muscular. Right. Fine. That's what my logical side told me.

She then took my temperature and said "You're a little bit warm"
OH GOD!!!! Right there and then I decided I had bone cancer.

She asked if I was coughing anything up.
OH GOD!!!! Right there I decided I had lung cancer.

Anyway, I left with a months course of anti inflammatory tablets and the standard "if it's still there in a month, come back" response.

So I started these tablets and after about 4 days I began to feel a very slight improvement. Now, 6 days into them, I have had a day of no pain whatsoever. Great right???

Soooo... why on earth do I keep twisting myself into funny positions to "CHECK" if I can feel anything? Of course, the more I twist and turn and tense, I do feel a little bit of the leftover pain.. but in my general day to day activities, I've felt nothing. Which hasnt been the case for months. So OBVIOUSLY the tablets are working. And OBVIOUSLY it was muscular afterall.

Why do us HA sufferers not listen to the OBVIOUSLY voice?!?! Why am I testing to see if the pain is still there instead of just enjoying that it isnt?
Now I'm imagining feeling the pain and I cant tell if it's real or not.

It's probably not. I've had no twinges all day.

Give me a week and I'll be panicking about something else. It's as if I'm subconsciously LOOKING for something to be wrong.
Oh well, at least I can see the funny side................. afterwards!!!!