View Full Version : Weird brain thing

16-12-13, 01:24
Hi Guys

Here goes. Not sure how to word it but i'll give it a try.

I normally post on here re my heart issues but something strange happened to me yesterday.

I was reading my book and was fairly engrossed in it. I remember thinking I felt tired but carried on reading. Next thing I know I'm thinking about what i'm doing for tea and started panicking as I knew I had it organised but couldn't remember what it was. The strange thing is, I was reading my book. I don't remember how this thought came in to my head at all. Its as if I felt asleep for like a millisecond and had this thought but it all happened instaneously. I didn't even drop my book.

Now i'm petrified that i'm losing control of my thoughts or I'm falling asleep and not even realising I have. Normally if I fall asleep I know I have. I don't even remember closing my eyes and I don't think they were. All very strange and weirding me out.

Any advice guys?

I have had lots of stress at the moment and not sleeping well.
