View Full Version : panic really bad today

16-12-13, 06:56
Ive been anxious on and off for several months ( this time) and this week or so ive woke through the night and in the mornin in fits of panic. I literally cant stop it. My body is doing it all by itself. Ive had anxiety for years, ive also had period irregulaities too. Now im starting to think I have adrenal cancer, thyroud or pituitary gland cancer. . I suffer serious anxiety that my body controls its self. Thats scarey in its self. I have a blood cyst on my ovary ( ive had negative on ca125) which had shrunk but is hurtin a bit again. None existant periods for almost two years bar two periods. Now I have had one normal period and two light ones. ( better than what id been having). Im so scared ive got cancer and driving me potty. Everything scares the crap out of me and then I worry that cuz I cant stop worrying im going to make my self ill xxx urgh :(

16-12-13, 08:38
SOunds like you are suffering big time. Have you tried to break the cycle by exercising ?

16-12-13, 21:34
Well after a much needed appt with the gyno, hes told me I prob have PCOS. I came away after have internal checks blood work and a coil fitted. Pelvic scan booked for january xxx and a note to my gp to say he suggest councilling for my anxiety. Says ive whitnessed quite a few traumatic events over the last 7 years and says I shouldnt battle alone and my anxiety is understandable xxxx