View Full Version : Did I turn iron on or what

16-12-13, 09:35
Hi all

I need help this second and am going to the hospital now as I'm being serious everyone, I just need help. I'm sorry if looked for reassurance but I need some help just whilst I'm on bus down there

I was ironing my clothes this morning and at the end I was doing my jumper and realised iron was off. I did have to go to et jumper from another room so may have turned it off whilst doing that but why when I do I was doing it. I just panicked when finishing hood. Maybe it was still hot. But surely I would have noticed as clothes don't look really creased now. And even if worst is worse and I didn't turn iron on but clothes still ironed would that just be a concentration issue. Please I need some help ASAP as I'm on way. It's a while away but need. Do something today. I feel unstable now even though was calmer this morning. I feel like if I don't do something now that's it. They have to help. Please can someone reply about iron thing. I know it's not dementia as an remember whole thing and more scared bout a brain tumour blocking my abilit to do things. Sorry about writing I'm shaking. I'm not seeking attention that's why I'm going down a and e

---------- Post added at 09:35 ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 ----------

Please anyone I'm shaking

16-12-13, 09:56
OK just calm down.

People do silly things like this all the time.

If you are anxious generally then it's perfectly possible that your mind was elsewhere and you forgot to notice the iron wasn't on. That's if it wasn't on. It may well be that it was on but you had it on too low a setting - I've done that frequently before and only noticed when I realised the creases weren't coming out of jeans!

16-12-13, 10:00

Stop and try and think rationaly. You have been winding yourself up for some time now and its no wonder that your poor brain is confused.

We all do things like this, the difference is that you are obsessively looking for "signs" that you have a brain tumour.

You really need to do something about this HA as it is obviously out of control at the minute.

Both posting here and going to A & E are a form of reassurance seeking and there in lies the real problem.

There are good and free courses available but they will only work when you are ready to accept what the real problem is and are prepared to put the work in to fix it.

Good luck

16-12-13, 10:22

My phone is still not working.

I don't think they will do anything at all at A&E over you forgetting to turn the iron on. That does not constitute either an Accident or an Emergency.

If you are going to A&E I hope it's about your state of mind and not you memory worries.

Sean I've told you over and over that I do things like this all the time. Loads of people do. You probably always did but didn't notice.

I don't know what else to say - you aren't even asking for reassurance over real symptoms now but over normal, every day life.

Please, if you must go to A&E show them your posts and tell them how out of control you have become. Maybe they will be able to put you in touch with the sort of help you really need

16-12-13, 10:35
Ive decided not too go. I need to get a grip, im just goingt o take a long walk. I worried so much afterwards but probably do things like that all the time. I had a massive attack. I cant start any more threads liek this. My brain is playing tricks.

16-12-13, 10:41
It's not about whether you start the threads Sean hon.

What does matter is that your mental health is deteriorating to the point that a normal life occurrence is making you break down. That is no way to live and must be absolutely horrible for you.

Go to the GP today. Don't talk about your health worries but tell them EVERYTHING about your mental state. Tell them you've had thoughts of ending it. Tell them that with every week you are getting worse and worse and say you CAN NOT COPE without some help NOW.


16-12-13, 10:59
Okay I will, I have to literelly have to. Im crumbling. I cant do this anymore.

---------- Post added at 10:59 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ----------

Hopefully a doctor will get me help. This iron business has got to be more than any other

16-12-13, 11:08
i agree. life like this is just terrible for you and you deserve better.

Get help today - if the doctors wont help you then demand assistance

16-12-13, 12:40
Its the not knowing if i did or not which kills me. It could have been as simple as me ironing then going to do my jumper and turning it off before hand as went to get it. I am mad, keep accessing my clothes to see if they looked ironed.

---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Im starting to calm a little bit

16-12-13, 12:44
This is beginning to sound more like OCD than HA.

1. If you didn't turn the iron on so what? You just forgot.
2. If you didn't turn the iron on then your clothes will still be creased won't they?
3. If you think the above is true then iron them.

Please try to give your rational mind a chance here.

16-12-13, 13:00
I think it's past health anxiety, I'm losing it. So many scenarios go round my head.

1/ I ironed and just turned it off before I did my jumper which is fine

2/ I never turned it on so why would I have not noticed clothes creased so could be brain issue

3/ Don't have a clue but my clothes seem fine

I'm well and truly mentally unstable at the moment and this is not me at all.

Unless I didn't turn the iron on but my clothes were okay anyway?

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

Basically worse case scenario is I didnt turn iron on and didnt notice clothes were creased still. Even then could that be just concentration because im over working brain. Thats worse case?

16-12-13, 13:05
It seems to me as if you weren't concentrating at all and that means absolutely nothing. It's easy to drift along on autopilot especially when doing menial tasks.

Your problem isn't a physical one and you need help with it. But you already know that.

16-12-13, 14:24
Sean hon,

As Brunette has said, whether you forgot or not, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you get some help and now - not in 3 months, not tomorrow, NOW.

I agree totally that there is more than HA going on here and you need medical attention sweetheart. Have you booked an appointment?

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:38 ----------

When are you seeing the doctor hon?

16-12-13, 14:31
Not until later but I had a strange thing happen. I suddenly starting believing nothing is wrong with me and instead I am depressed thinking about what may happen. This is CRAZY.

16-12-13, 14:31
You are not losing it and you will get better. You're simply over-thinking everything and anxiety has set in.

I don't often offer reassurance but you are absolutely fine. A walk is a great idea. Get yourself engaged in some activity that takes your mind (no pun intended) off this obsessive over-thinking. Grab your headphones and listen to a comedy podcast on your walk.


16-12-13, 14:46
after your walk look at the anxiety uk website http://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/ and read about their reduced rate counselling support for your area.Also have a good read of the mind website both helped me a lot mid meltdown.Dont post on here until youve done the walk and looked at the websites :)
The day you start helping yourself and start taking positive steps is the day you start your recovery
they are also looking for people to take part in this which could help you http://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/about-anxiety/anxiety-research/#healthreassurance

16-12-13, 14:46
Thanks Skippy, Usually listening to music is good but it doesnt help me at the moment so going to have a look at comedy podcasts. Also reading your book again becaause it helps and makes so much sense and gives me believe seeing what you were like. I may go swimming or something in week. Because it has been 6 weeks since op I can now do more. That op has a lot to answer for as I was doing so well before.

16-12-13, 15:26
Sean to forget to turn your iron on or, to forget to do anything is such a common thing, especially with depression/anxiety or panic.

I'm constantly forgetting things and putting things in the daftest of places.

Sean please go and get help via your doctor, I feel it would be very beneficial if they could refer you to your mental health team for a proper assessment, that way, they will be able to get right to the route of the problem and start working on it.

All of your symptoms and worries are just the surface problems Sean, and it's the route cause that needs to found and dealt with.

It's not going to be easy, it isn't for any of us, but just keep going and keep looking forward and keep reminding yourself of why you are doing it.

It sounds like what you're doing Sean, is catastrophising, it's a very common thing to do if we're highly anxious or in a state of panic. The trouble is, by catastrophising we are just creating a vicious circle of fear, and fear feeds fear, so that the more frightened we get, the more we will be going round on the merry-go-round of fear/panic/fear/panic. But we can learn to stop this from happening, it's all to do with changing the way that we think and behave in these situations, we can learn to break that cycle or even stop it in it's tracks.

Whilst you're waiting for help Sean, have a look at the link too CBT4PANIC, it's free for everyone now and it's the best CBT that I've ever done and it has helped me soooo much. Have a look on Robins website and have a look at some of his videos and books, they are very helpful. You can view the videos and books on your computer, you can work through the program in your own time and at your own pace, you've nothing to loose by giving it a go and it will give you something positive to work on whilst you're waiting for your help. :)

16-12-13, 15:55
Thank you for your post.

The worry I've had lately is the one where I forget where I was just thinking. This morning that went out of my head until the worry about the iron lessened. Now I was thinking something then spoke to my dad and completely forgot it. Can the brain really play that many tricks

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

I'm going to definitely give that CBT a go auntmoosie

16-12-13, 16:19
Sean to forget to turn your iron on or, to forget to do anything is such a common thing, especially with depression/anxiety or panic.

I'm constantly forgetting things and putting things in the daftest of places.

Sean please go and get help via your doctor, I feel it would be very beneficial if they could refer you to your mental health team for a proper assessment, that way, they will be able to get right to the route of the problem and start working on it.

All of your symptoms and worries are just the surface problems Sean, and it's the route cause that needs to found and dealt with.

It's not going to be easy, it isn't for any of us, but just keep going and keep looking forward and keep reminding yourself of why you are doing it.

It sounds like what you're doing Sean, is catastrophising, it's a very common thing to do if we're highly anxious or in a state of panic. The trouble is, by catastrophising we are just creating a vicious circle of fear, and fear feeds fear, so that the more frightened we get, the more we will be going round on the merry-go-round of fear/panic/fear/panic. But we can learn to stop this from happening, it's all to do with changing the way that we think and behave in these situations, we can learn to break that cycle or even stop it in it's tracks.

Whilst you're waiting for help Sean, have a look at the link too CBT4PANIC, it's free for everyone now and it's the best CBT that I've ever done and it has helped me soooo much. Have a look on Robins website and have a look at some of his videos and books, they are very helpful. You can view the videos and books on your computer, you can work through the program in your own time and at your own pace, you've nothing to loose by giving it a go and it will give you something positive to work on whilst you're waiting for your help. :)

An excellent post with brilliant advice. Please take it onboard Sean.

What time are you seeing the doctor and what are you going to say to them?

16-12-13, 16:28
Don't worry! We all do things like this, all the time! Especially if you're anxious, you're not focused on anything. I study psychology at uni and was so relieved when I started to learn about everyday attention failures (anything from putting soap on your toothbrush, to adding cold water to a drink as you forgot to turn the kettle on, to actually bizarre behaviours haha. They're normal! Honestly :)

16-12-13, 19:31
Have you looked at any of the links MrAndy or AuntieMoose gave you Sean?

Have you seen your doctor?