View Full Version : Im Really Scared...Doctor says Heart but scared

12-11-06, 00:45
I went to two doctors complaining of hearing my heart in my ear .One found a murmur and said it was nothing and insisted i didn't need any test.The other agreed with what she found and he was an ent,but he did tell me that he heard what I heard.Neither said that they wanted or thought there was a reason to run test.I can still hear my heartbeat but it sounds weird.I don't know what to think about it.It beats five beats and then makes a weird noise.That is now what a murmur is...I have read about them.I asked a doctor online that says its a extra beat that is a normal cardiac event.I am really scared and worried that my heart is going to just quit or something.I try not to focus on it but everyday i can hear it like its all over my body.I can't avoid not hearing it..If the doctors both insisted not to bother running test then is it logical to assume they were correct in their dianosis and there is nothing to worry about.I sleep alot more than I used to and when my sleep is interupted I get up after 3 or 4 hours I feel so exhausted like its hard to breathe and my heart is beating hard and weird.Is that just normal when you are awaken when sleeping to feel that way?Like you just can't make it and feel a little lightheaded?Or is this something to do with the heart?i get worried that hearing the sound of my heartbeat and them finding a murmur and the way I feel when I don't get enough sleep now is all associated with my heart..I maybe just making alot of assumptions but am still worried..If you can help please advise me..My worrying is getting worse...

12-11-06, 10:31
I think your worries are making this happen, not a problem with your heart. The more you worry, the worse it becomes.
You listen for your heart and you hear it more clearly.
As for me, I always feel out of it when I wake up after 2-3 hours sleep. My heart is pounding and I have no strength. Also, my stomach is upset.
Sounds like you worry so much that your sleep is interrupted. Not getting enough, proper sleep will also make matters worse.
I am sure two doctors would not have overlooked something serious, so try and think of something else and believe that the doctors are right and that is really is nothing serious.
Take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

12-11-06, 11:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I think your worries are making this happen, not a problem with your heart. The more you worry, the worse it becomes.
You listen for your heart and you hear it more clearly.
As for me, I always feel out of it when I wake up after 2-3 hours sleep. My heart is pounding and I have no strength. Also, my stomach is upset.
Sounds like you worry so much that your sleep is interrupted. Not getting enough, proper sleep will also make matters worse.
I am sure two doctors would not have overlooked something serious, so try and think of something else and believe that the doctors are right and that is really is nothing serious.
Take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

<div align="right">Originally posted by Hexia - 12 November 2006 : 10:31:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thank you ..I think you are 100 percent correct..you are very kind..