View Full Version : Throat lump

16-12-13, 14:31
Hi all,

I'm having a HA "moment" re. my lump on the back wall of my throat. I'm feeling OK, not panicky or anything, just have a horrible sense that something is not right at all.

About 3/4 weeks ago I found a lump on the back wall of my throat, behind and slightly above the dangly bit, I went to the GP, who barely glanced at it and said "lymphoid tissue". I came away... fairly reassured and promised myself to forget about it. I made my husband check every 4/5 days as I didn't want to be checking myself (go me!!:)) Anyway, its still there and getting a bit bigger (slight). I also have a feeling of having a blocked ear/pressure (but I'm not sure if that's anx or real).

So today I went back to the GP, and this one had a proper look... and she was concerned and has referred me to an ENT specialist - she told me to mention my history of hpv related cervical dysplasia. The thing is it's now almost christmas and despite having medical insurance it's unlikely I will be seen before Sat when we go abroad to visit family for Christmas... we are not back until the 2nd Jan.

I really don't want to have this hanging over my head all Christmas, but it looks like I'm going to have to..ahem... lump it (pardon the pun!:blush:)

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to help get through this in the short term?

Space xxx

16-12-13, 14:33
Yep, accept that it's out of your hands and immerse yourself in Christmas fully - enjoy it. Make some mince pies and mulled wine.

17-12-13, 13:27
Thanks Skippy. After going to the GP yesterday she referred me straight away and through my husbands medical insurance I've got an appointment with an ENT specialist this evening. I feel very lucky to have this and its the first time I am using it.

I find it so hard to disentangle what's a "real" problem and what's HA. I'm nervous about my appointment but not panicking. I just want to know what the lump is. It's not in my mind, I can see it with my own eyes.

I know that statistically the chances of it being cancer are very low.. but I always seem to fall into the category of the statistically unlikely...

but then I have to remind myself that I've been worried about lumps and things before and it has been OK:

Breast lump - cyst
Liver Lump - benign tumour
Neck lump - normal lymph node
mouth lump - bone
Itchiness on bottom - piles :blush:

Lump in throat sensation -globus
Palps - HA
Weakness and sickness - depression and HA
Nausea - HA
Dizziness - HA
Normal body twinges - sensation focus due to HA

Still... bit nervous about this one.


17-12-13, 14:36
I am no Dr. But I have lots of little fleshy lumps at the back of my throat. These drove me batty for about a year! I saw several doctors over them and used to check my throat w a light 5-6 times a day! I noticed that I checked more when I was nervous about other things. One day I made myself stop checking. Like a year later I looked again just bc and they are still there. I think it is just lymph tissue.