View Full Version : Feeling so unwell

16-12-13, 14:35
Have been having some stomach problems and am taking 150 zantac twice daily and gaviscon. My HA is through the roof with worry that it us an ulcer or worse. Saw nurse last week who just said take the medication and eat more. On Thursday and Friday I did just that and thought I was feeling better. On Saturday I was feeling very anxious and then developed an awful sick headache. This has sent me into a terrible anxiety state and I feel so unwell. My husband keeps saying it's my anxiety but it doesn't feel like that. I feel headachy, nauseous, no temperature but really yuk. If I hadn't already got my stomach issues I'd say it was a bug but I'm so scared it's related to my stomach and that something is dreadfully wrong with me. I keep thinking I'm going to start vomiting blood or passing it out the other end. All my stomach problems are acid linked I think. I can't see my doctor until Friday and am out of my mind with worry. I can't calm down at all and am n constant alert and terrified. My husband is very fed up with me.

16-12-13, 14:37
Your state of constant terror is making you much worse. Tackle this first. Then get yourself out of the house and find a distraction to take your mind off your health - believe me your stomach problems will likely improve.

16-12-13, 14:43
Thanks Skippy. Just read the sample of the book and I'm going to get it.

16-12-13, 15:09
Hi Jilly,

I had something similar a few years ago. The stomach and brain are really closely wired up. I felt sick for a month and convinced myself I had stomach C... I didn't. The more worried I became the worse I felt. Why don't you write a list of all the things it could be other than your worse fear? I find that calming... how about a walk or exercise... to be so anxious you must have a lot of energy to burn!
hope you feel better soon
Space xxx