View Full Version : My two year-old old is having a scan on Wednesday! Stressed!

16-12-13, 20:46
Back in September my son (who is 2) was getting out of the bath, and we noticed a little bump under his skin, almost directly over his belly button (maybe 4cm over). Of course my HA ran rampant... On the good side, you only see it when he is standing. When he lies down, you don't see anything. I took him to the Dr. The Dr thought it was a lipoma, but ordered an ultrasound just to be sure.

Because of his age we had to wait 3 months for the ultrasound. Well it is almost here!

At first I was so worried for him, and I kept researching tying to reassure myself. Eventually I stopped researching, and was able to calm down. But now that it is approaching, I am worried. Today they called to confirm the appt, and they told me he couldn't eat or drink anything but apple juice or milk for 4 hrs before. That set my mind racing, and it made me worry. I keep thinking they will find something, and it will be hanging over us at Xmas.

On the positive, It has not changed since September. It doesn't look like it is inside his stomach or intenstines, it looks like is in under the skin. I can feel it a bit, but it seems to move,,, but I am not sure. He acts like it hurts, but I just think he doesn't like the prodding. It doesn't seem to bother him. He is healthy and active. Eats well.

16-12-13, 20:53
I am sure that if your doctor thought it was something more serious then he would have sent for a scan straight away regardless of age.
Since it has not changed and your son is healthy and active I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

16-12-13, 20:59
As Annie said, if the doctor thought there was any chance at all that this was serious, he would have been checked out far sooner. Please try to not worry.

Did the GP just book the scan the first time you showed him the bump? Gosh you must have freaked out after that - I know I would have! It's way worse when it's our little ones isn't it?

16-12-13, 21:05
Thank you both!

Yes Katesa it is way worse. The GP referred us for the scan when he first saw him, and then they called with the appt a few days later. I was very worried, but was able to be rational after.

But yes it is way worse when it is our little ones. I have been having my own HA about high blood pressure, and that has taken a back seat. I just want him to be ok.

16-12-13, 21:10
Aww bless you.

It always used to freak me out way more when the doctors did things without me actually having to push and push - made it seem that they must think there is actually something wrong.

However, that it completely illogical thinking. Your GP has done this because they have to be exceptionally over cautious with children.

It's not in my tummy, but I do have something that sounds similar to what you describe on one of my thighs - I've had it since childhood and it's just a fatty deposit. Now I'm older I also have some on my upper chest (freaked me out when I first noticed them - thought they were swollen glands!)

So I am 100% sure that your son has a similar thing.

He will be fine I'm sure. Your biggest problem will be holding him still long enough to have the scan done.

16-12-13, 21:23
When my youngest was about 6 months old the health visitor said that she thought he might have hydrocephalus as his head circumference was off the centile chart. She referred him for a scan. Well you can imagine my panic!! His development otherwise was normal. I took him for the scan and everything was normal :). They are just over cautious with children I think.

16-12-13, 21:26
My four year old has had to have all organs scanned due to a genetic tumor condition xx I think they are just very thorough with young ones xx I would take comfort in it. :-)

18-12-13, 16:59
Just an update. Scan was done. We were luck that the radiologist explained the results to me. It is just a harmless common hernia that should not cause issues. That is a relief!!

18-12-13, 17:03
Glad you had good results, the waiting must have been horrible for you. Now you can all enjoy your Christmas :)

18-12-13, 17:15
Pleased the results were good xx

18-12-13, 17:18

18-12-13, 18:05
Thank you everyone! : )

The worst part was during the scan. The technician told me he couldn't say anything, and he looked very serious! It was hard to scan my son since he was crying, trying to move, etc.. Once he was done I asked for the results. He told me that he couldn't tell me, only a Dr could, and that the radiologist was a Dr. He told me he was going to go to get him, and to please keep my sons shirt off.

This set my HA off huge! I was sure he was coming in b/c it was serious. And we had to wait 10min. I was very scared for him, and it really put my own worries into perspective. I have been stressed about my BP, and I realized that this is minmimal compared to his health.

Then the radiologist came in, and gave us the good news! : )

Yes, we can enjoy our holiday! I am sure I will still worry about my BP, but really that I can deal with!

19-12-13, 12:20
hey robin just read your posts. i was going to say an hernia. your child could of even been born with it. go and treat yourself and your child

19-12-13, 14:53
Fantastic. Well done for getting through it