View Full Version : what positive things have you done?

16-12-13, 21:45
I feel like I've made some definite progress in beating my HA. I wouldnt say I'm cured.. I dont think it's possible to be completely cured, but I think I'm 'in remission' so I would like to discuss the positive steps we can take to help ourselves, as I have learnt over the past few months that recovering HAS to come from me. No one can do it for me. Things I have done that have helped me are-

medication (20mg citalopram) I think this is the ultimate healing tool, for me anyway.
cbt- I didnt have a one to one therapist, I attended a group cbt course, found it fantastic and still use a lot of what I learnt everyday.
exercise- this is kind of not true because I'm the most unfit person ever, but I have started walking a lot, and walking a lot faster. I'm never going to be a runner but I get out and about as much as I can for a long walk.
cutting out caffeine- the amount of coke I used to drink was crazy!!
overcoming my fear of hospitals- this was not by choice. My mum spent the last few weeks of life in hospital in sept/oct time. I spent so much time visiting her there that I think I faced my fear even though it was horrible circumstances
drinking/eating better- I make sure I drink about 3 litres of water a day and have improved my eating habits LOADS!
properly researching- the thing with HA is we fill ourselves with bits of information and put it altogether in our heads to create a horrific picture. I have properly looked in to all kinds of cancer, looked up statistics, risk factors, treatment options, and survivor stories.
staying off google- after my research, I forced myself to stop jumping online to look up every new symptom. (I slip up with this occasionally_

Most important/best of all.... enjoying my children. I now make every effort to appreciate and cherish every last second with my two young daughters. I make memories. Things they will never forget.

Things still to do... STOP SMOKING (How hypocritical.. a HA sufferer who smokes!! I've just not felt in the right frame of mind yet to quit. Hopefully it will be a new years thing)

So... I'm well up for new suggestions/ideas... so what have you guys done to help yourself?

16-12-13, 21:58
I'm so sorry about your Mum and that you had to be forced to face a fear in such a terrible way.

Bloody brilliant post though honey - and look at you go!

OK - positive things I've done -

Quit smoking - coming up for 4 months now and no longer feel like I have a big "Dear deadly diseases, pick me next - I smoke!" sign hanging around my neck.

Lost two stone of weight through exercise and tweaking my diet which has helped my mental state hugely.

Refuse to google - if absolutely desperate, I will check only the official NHS site.

Told my doctor not to send me for tests just for reassurance but only when medically necessary - one of the first things I did and a massive massive help in getting out of the cycle.

Psychotherapy - gone down the private route and totally worth it. I understand myself so much better already.

Online CBT course - Very good stuff!

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

Oh forgot to add

Things still to do - Accept that I will relapse and not get too frustrated.

16-12-13, 22:00
I've seen a lot about the online CBT course, I think I shall look into it.

I've also had a similar chat to my doctor and explained to her that actually, sending me for tests makes me worse, so now she wont do it just for my peace of mind.

I could do with losing some weight, I'm not sure I'm ready for that though. It scares me.

Well done for quitting smoking!!! And that sign above your head is the exact reason I want to quit too! I hope I can. I really think it will ease my anxiety ALOT when I'm no longer a smoker!

16-12-13, 22:06
Oh it does honestly!

I think that when we smoke, our subconcious is telling us that we "deserve" it more than other people. And then we beat ourselves up for daring to worry about our health when we are such bad, terrible, awful people (note - we are not bad, terrible, awful people at all) and it just goes on and on.

As soon as I put out my last cig and vowed never to touch another one I stopped thinking that I deserved something awful more than anybody else. And that feeling is way better than even the sweet feeling of a nicotine craving being relieved.

The online course really is very good. The one I did had computer generated characters who I became quite fond of and I was sad to leave them when I finished though. Yes really :D

17-12-13, 00:44
Ive switched to an e cig .. feels a lot better even though im still on nicotine :(
Not on any meds right now because nothing seems to work for me uggg!!!
I come here instead of dr google or I go to the doc which is rare because im so scared of him
I need to look into this cbt.. I need something right now.. been crazy for like a month straight right now

17-12-13, 01:04
Wonderful post HangingBasket! We all need to hear the positive stories.

CBT - it's helped me so much to change the way that I think.

Relaxation - deep breathing exercises and listening to self guided meditation

Water - I try to drink at least 64 ounces every day.

Alcohol - a glass of wine and don't indulge past that point

Laughter - I try to find something to watch and laugh about daily

Medication - citalopram has helped me

Support - take in the positive posts on NMP and follow the folks working on recovery

Thanks for the positive message.

17-12-13, 07:26
See... we are not all self destructive lunatics (please no one take offence at that, its how I feel about myself mostly)
We are trying to get better :)

17-12-13, 09:43
great post. I've done the following:

CBT- quite helpful but not a cure

Mindfulness - love this

no caffeine (including chocolate) - this has stopped my panics

A bit more exercise and a veg box

AVOIDING GOOGLE and getting my other half to check for me

Still have HA but more manageable than it was 2 years ago.


17-12-13, 11:14
That is such a great post... I'm new to No More Panic, but so glad that I've found it. My wish for 2014 is to get a handle on my Health Anxiety, and it is reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with these feelings/fears.......
I'm sure that my neck shoulder pain is some form of either breast/bone cancer and of course the googling does nothing to allay these fears.... I've seen a Dr, physio and chiropractor who all say it is muscular but do I believe them NO I do not.... and the bout of tonsillitis followed by a heavy cold that I currently have are because my body has a cancer.....
But joining this forum I hope I can find the tools to help.....

17-12-13, 11:20
Well done to you all!

Katesa can you you give me details of the cbt online course please?
Am hoping to be able to add to this post as a success story myself at some point.
