View Full Version : Weird feeling in the morning

16-12-13, 23:09
Does any one here get a really horrible feel when they wake up. It runs into my legs, a bit like standing on a cliff edge. I'm trying to keep saying to my self there just feelings, like when someone scratches a black board, or grates a knife or feeling of hight, sight of blood...ect. It's just horrible not having a connection to these horrible feeling. I can't really explain how it feels, it's just horrid

18-12-13, 04:01
My chest aches with emotional pain when I wake up and I feel like crying, not getting up, going back to sleep and not living....

18-12-13, 12:01
Wish I could sleep, head just goes mad when closing my eyes. freaks me out. Be strong Chica . We can beat it!

18-12-13, 12:10
Smoothy, I wake up most mornings feeling like utter rubbish. It used to freak me out and the more I dwelled on it, the worse my anxiety became. I learned to accept that I would feel this way, and to say the heck with it. A funny thing happened along the way. The more that I accepted it, the better I gradually felt in the mornings. Now when I wake up not feeling A-plus, I just know that it won't last long and I do the positive things that I need to do for myself.

Its amazing how acceptance works. It takes practice and I'm far from perfect, but getting better every day.

18-12-13, 19:51
I hate mornings , early waking , pounding heart , scared of the day ahead and weird feelings that I can't explain :(

23-12-13, 08:40
That's me I open my eyes aware straight away I feel crap and dread the day ahead full of anxiety and sadness cuts of how I feel

23-12-13, 08:43
If you ignore it and get up it eventually goes away,I still get it at times but just ignore it

31-12-13, 13:49
I've been getting this for the last few days now that my depression has taken on a whole new level. I feel jittery and strange when I wake up scared to move and everything doesn't seem real. Not to mention that looming dark feeling that hangs over me.

31-12-13, 14:10
I think many of us deal with the "morning yuckies." I certainly do, but as others have said.....get out of bed and just take the yuckies with you. It most likely amounts to nothing more than excess adrenaline being released into your system. As you go about living your life anyway the sympathetic nervous system (which releases the adrenaline and "fight/flee" response") realizes you are reacting normally, and stops being so "overprotective." Then the feelings lessen.....and I am prayerfully hopeful that they dissipate altogether.

In fact, I got on NMP this morning because I was definitely feeling them after awaking at 5am, and not being able to go back to sleep. I was sitting here THINKING ABOUT THE YUCKY FEELINGS and they seemed to be growing. Then my four year old needed me and my 5 month old needed her diaper changed,.....I got up and did those things giving my kids my full attention and when I came back to resume typing-- realized they hadn't bothered me when I was up and focusing on anything other than the various feelings I had coursing through my body.

31-12-13, 14:16
Great response Too Much. You are so on the right track.

31-12-13, 14:23
Man, Tanner, it is amazing how uplifting words of encouragement can be from my new friends here whom I have never met!

We can do this guys! :bighug1: