View Full Version : It alwas comes back

17-12-13, 13:07
well im pretty good with my anxietys at the moment. but i have been experiencing it again the last few or more days. kust a feeling of dread,weirdness,scared,sad ect.... it,s still bugging me to weither it is anxiety. i can go for some days a week & not be that bad. but when you feel all that & the sensations u get come back its upsetting. & it hits you (no im not out the woods realy am i). is it anxiety well i think i know deep down it is & my doctor told me so! but does it make you think? it does me!

17-12-13, 13:14

Anxiety and depression are so closely linked. I sometimes get the anx symptoms without having HA and vice versa. Do things you enjoy, treat yourself as if you have depression - so good food, exercise and treats are in order.

hope you feel better soon xxx

semper solus
17-12-13, 13:17

I think it is the old anxiety creeping back for a bit.

I get the same thing. I can go weeks feeling good then wham!!

I try ti think what could have started it but never seem to find the answer.
Do you any idea what might have started yours off??


17-12-13, 13:20
my anxiety has always got worse in the winter im not half as bad in the summer as i am in the winter

17-12-13, 14:28
I was just going to say I am worse in the winter too! Maybe lack of sunshine? I don't know but I can say that by march, I will be fine!

17-12-13, 22:51
thank you for the replies.

17-12-13, 23:26
Fruity, I find that when I start feeling much better, I get lazy and stop doing all of the positive and helpful things that got me there. I tend to slack off on my deep breathing exercises, my meditation, my writing. I don't bother to put into practice all of the useful tools that I learned through CBT. And practice is the key word for me! Those are the things that are retraining my brain and keeping me healthy. This may not be the case for you, but when start feeling anxious, if I look backwards I generally find that I have been slacking off.

18-12-13, 10:40
tanner40 thank you.

18-12-13, 12:34
Tanner40...you are so right!...I do the same and then kick myself for being lazy about "good practice".....


18-12-13, 12:36
Same here, Sarah. I'm learning not to kick myself. Trying really hard to talk to myself like I would to a friend in need of help. I just have to keep practicing.