View Full Version : HA back with a vengeance - WHYYY!!

17-12-13, 13:24
Afternoon all,

I am back again because I cannot understand what is happening to me. I am not going to repeat everything from last 12 months, but my anxiety had returned really badly and with it all the worst of my physical symptoms :

Chest pain
Racing heart
Feeling of Doom
Constant pulse checking
Numb left armpit and tingling left arm/hand

I am not aware of any reason that may have triggered this, but yesterday I suddenly had an episode where I genuinely thought my time was up!! Only alcohol makes the symptoms go, but I am not going down that route.

Why after 3 months of feeling better and only having mild pain on the odd day, am I feeling worse even than back in the summer when my HA was terrible?

17-12-13, 13:27
I don't know why it works this way mate but I do know that it seems to for many of us and that if it was caused by any other (sinister) cause, it wouldn't go away and then come back.

Sorry that you are back in dumps. Did anything trigger what happened yesterday do you think?

17-12-13, 13:45
Hi Kate,

Thanks for reply. I can't think of a trigger. I have always had the odd bad day during the last few months, but due to the CBT and various tests that I have undergone, I was able to rationalise the pain and keep things in check.

But yesterday felt different. Nothing I can put my finger on other than to say I am now a nervous wreck and convinced I won't see Christmas.

Its all very strange and incredibly frustrating.

Mr m anxious
01-01-14, 00:38
Hi charlie, long time since I've replied to you. I'm sorry your feeling bad or maybe your ok now seeing though I've replied two weeks after you've posted this. If your having problems without meds then go back on amitriptyline. I reduced mine the other week to one 25mg tablet but I started getting burning sensation on my upper back again so gone back on 75mg. You are supposed to wean yourself off amitriptyline and not stop dead.