12-11-06, 10:07
hi there I felt things were getting slightly easier now iv messed up again.At the moment the hardest is starting the day i feel aggitated.I seem to think IBcant start the day but i want to.This morning I dont know why I thought about, but, if i did get worse enough and couldnt cope and tried to kill myself ....Initially it didnt scare me.....so i thought it could be true...now im back in a state i try to calm myself but i dwell on the last thing i thought and seem to be in a vicious circle.Im really sorry to sound so down do any of you find that this is how it happens to you.I think just writng this on here has helped[B)]DEBRAxx

EDIT: I didnt mean I wanted to kill myself I meant I wanted to start the day.
as iv re-read my post i realised i hadnt explained myself well.I feel this fear comes from my fear of losing controL.debraxx=

12-11-06, 18:38
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi there I felt things were getting slightly easier but now i've messed up again. At the moment the hardest thing is starting the day and i feel aggitated.I seem to think I cant start the day but i want to.This morning I dont know why I thought about, but, if i did get worse enough and couldnt cope and tried to kill myself ....Initially it didnt scare me.....so i thought it could be true...now im back in a state i try to calm myself but i dwell on the last thing i thought and seem to be in a vicious circle.Im really sorry to sound so down do any of you find that this is how it happens to you.I think just writing this on here has helped[B)]DEBRAxx

EDIT: I didnt mean I wanted to kill myself I meant I wanted to start the day.
as i've re-read my post i realised i hadnt explained myself well.I feel this fear comes from my fear of losing controL.debraxx=

<div align="right">Originally posted by Debra - 12 November 2006 : 10:07:52</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

12-11-06, 23:54
hi debra
Are you on any meds or getting counselling

13-11-06, 00:22
Hi Deb been like you. You wont lose control. Hard to exlplain but it wont happen and if you want to talk email me as know just how you are feeling.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-11-06, 23:03
Thanks to you both for replying im not on any meds and im to see my doctor tomorrow Debra

13-11-06, 23:35
Hi Deb

Sorry you're feeling like this. I just wanted to let you know that I was feeling like you a few weeks ago. I thought I would never feel right in my head - all these thoughts that I couldn't understand, let alone try to explain to anyone else. I seriously felt like I was going insane.

My mind was constantly thinking and it was driving me crazy but I couldn't stop it. I felt really agitated and on edge. Honestly it was like a living hell.

I was taking Citalopram but they were just making things worse so I came off them. I've been taking Diazepam 2mg when needed but I was having to take them every 3 hours for a couple of weeks just to calm down my mind. They definitrly helped though and these last few days have been so much better - my mind has calmed down, I don't keep thinking and going over everything and I don't feel on edge all the time.

A few weeks ago I couldn't imagine ever having a 'normal' day. So I just wanted to give you hope that you can come through it and things will get better.

Good luck at your Gp tomorrow.