View Full Version : lung cancer scare, please help!

17-12-13, 13:33
Over the last few days I've had a achy stabbing pain in my mid/upper back on one side, I googled and it says it can be a symptom of lung cancer so now ofc I'm terrified. I also get chest pains (on the opposite side to the back pain) for a year or so which I've always just put down to anxiety.. so now I'm terrified these aqre the early signs of lung cancer. I used to smoke when I was in school but only 3/4 a day for a few months. Is this enough to give me lung cancer? I don't have a cough/shortness of breath or anything else but I can feel a panic attack coming on because I am so anxious right now..

Yesterday Iwas in such a good mood because my MRI and my ultrasound both came back absolutely fine, but now I feel even worse because of this pain :(

17-12-13, 14:18
I'm not a doctor, but I wouldn't have thought 3/4 cigarettes a day for just a few months some years ago would put you more significantly at risk for lung cancer than a non-smoker (although even non-smokers can get lung cancer - smoking greatly increases the risk, but is not the only cause).

I would imagine that the pain you're getting is either anxiety or muscular. Have you been sitting or lying awkwardly or carrying a heavy bag? Lung cancer is probably the least likely explanation, especially as you have no other symptoms, like a persistent cough or breathlessness.

Obviously, if this pain persists for a couple of weeks, you probably should have it checked out, but it seems to me that your anxiety, like the bully it is, is manufacturing something else for you to fret over, now that your previous fears have been allayed by the test results.

I know how horrible it is when you can't get a fear out of your mind and worry yourself sick over something. I tend to use the "I'll write it down and worry about it later" technique, which works...some of the time.