View Full Version : please help very anxious

17-12-13, 14:24
Hi I was just after some help I am really anxious, I have had stomach pains for a long time mostly right side it ranges from pelvic groin and stomach sometimes in back it is always moving around but it is really worrying me I am thinking about it constantly, I have ibs and have been told it's probably that and the fact I worry about it all the time makes it worse but I can't convince myself that I dont have ovarian cancer or bowel cancer I have had scans the most recent was about 3 months ago blood test which docs said give a good idea and all fine I did have a sigmooidoscopy over 3 years ago and that was ok but its just seems like the pains are there bothering me most of time and when I am anxious with day to day things it gets worse its like the pains can ease and if something happens for example my kids are naughty and I shout at them I get anxious and the pains get worse if that makes sense, I am due to start cbt tomorrow for my health anxiety, just feels like can't cope with it but the pain is my anxiety so won't go away, thanks for reading any advice would be great thanks toria x

17-12-13, 14:37
Hi, Toria,

If the pains get worse when you're anxious, that's probably a pretty good sign that the cause is anxiety. I wish they didn't have all those leaflets and posters in the doctors' surgery which say something along the lines of, "Be alert for ovarian cancer! The symptoms are loads of nebulous little things which absolutely everybody on the planet suffers from, so make sure you tell your doctor, although there's probably nothing he can do by that stage" because they scare the shit out of me, too, but I think they do talk about constant pain, not pain that moves around and gets worse when you're anxious.

I know, though, that you can know logically that it's anxiety, but that doesn't take away the terrible fear. Hopefully, though, the CBT will help with this. Well done for taking the step and good luck with it.

17-12-13, 14:45
Hi Toria
I get really bad stomach pains (ibs) with my Anxiety your find a lot of people on here do and it can start before the real anxiety starts and carries for a while, do you take anything for anxiety to help. I take citalopram for mine which in turn helps my ibs but different tablets work for different people, something to talk to your doc about.

Hope your cbt helps you


17-12-13, 15:10
Thanks blackbroom and ray52 I really appreciate your replys I don't take any medication for anxiety but probably should, really hope cbt helps I really need it at the minute, really need to stop the constant thinking about stomach feels like from morning till night I think about it and if its not there for a bit I almost will it to come back thanks again and you are right blackbroom about the symptoms for things x