View Full Version : Mirtazapine

17-12-13, 16:42
Hi folks,

I have been back on Mirtazapine 15mg for a few months after a blip following 2 years of being almost anxiety free.

The positives are that my sleeping is fine in the evenings now and I am not having palpatations, acid reflux or waking up gasping for breath.

The negative is that unlike the last time I was on them I am feeling ABSOLUTELY KNACKERED. I will be driving to and from work and sometimes I wake up like that feeling you get when you are falling in a dream although I don't think I am asleep at the wheel. I might feel ok in work but then all of a sudden I hit the wall major style and I feel so sleepy it's unreal.

Anyone else get this on the Mirt? It's odd because I didn't have it the last time. I have also noticed that I have started to get that tension in the upper part of my abdomen again like I am tensing my abdominal muscles and sucking them in for no reason. When I do relax them it's like I am 9 months pregnant with bloating.
