View Full Version : Health anxiety is winning right now!

17-12-13, 18:29
Hi everyone.
I am in my mid twenties and have health anxiety. It is affecting every aspect of my life. I have split from my boyfriend of 6 years due to it and am having time of work again (2 weeks). I have been unable to get out of bed and function normally due to increasing physical symptoms and the pure worry of what could be wrong. I currently have upper abdominal pain and discomfort which is pretty constant and this has spread to my back therefore I think it's metastatic cancer. I have an ultrasound soon and am dreading they will find something but it will be untreatable. I feel like I cannot cope anymore with this. Does anybody else experience strange, physical pain that is there constantly? I am hoping I can gain something from this site and that I can also help others.
Thank you

17-12-13, 21:50
I too have health anxiety and it can be crippling! Is this your first step towards combatting it? Or are you taking other steps too? If this is your initial point of beginning to get better, then this site will be very helpful. You will find a lot of tips and support from people who know how you're feeling.

In answer to your question.. YES!!! During the worst point of my HA, I was in constant physical pain. Which is why I couldnt believe it was JUST anxiety that I had. I have accepted this now but it's not an easy thing to do and I think I'll always have setbacks.

Have a look at the extensive list of physical symptoms caused by anxiety.. you'll be amazed. It's so much more than people initially realise!

18-12-13, 17:02
Hi hanging basket, thank you for the much appreciated reply. I am waiting for CBT which is about a 10 week wait. I had some at the beginning of the year as this anxiety has been going on for a good few years now and is getting worse, but didn't continue with it as I felt I was not benefiting from it (however the therapist said that I had to cut down my drinking to feel the full effect plus I was feeling well at that point so found it difficult). I have had some help with relaxation at work and my manager and colleagues on the whole are very understanding. I work in a hospital environment, where complimentary therapy is offered to the patients and staff. I'm also on some medication from the dr for anxiety. I google a hell of alot which I know I shouldn't do but I do it often to reassure myself that the physical symptoms are due to anxiety (the list is huge as you said) and not some killer disease. That reassures me for a bit but it doesn't last as the symptoms continue even when i'm not particularly feeling "anxious". Right now I can see no light at the end of the tunnel and I think i'm going to break down as i'm convinced there is something wrong "this time". I feel that no one can help as I am unable to help myself and change my way of thinking. I am back at work this week as wanted to go back and prove I could it and just get on with it, but keep bursting into tears when i'm there and ended up coming home early today. I just cannot handle being there with this physical pain and the intense worry. Have have you got through your health anxiety and did it affect your life significantly?

Thank you for listening