View Full Version : Time to move on for now

17-12-13, 18:42
Have posted on another thread but thought I would post here as well

I am going to leave this forum genuinely until I'm better and in a position to help others. I'm suffering from anxiety and have decided going to the doctors is the wrong thing to do. I'm taking following steps.

Staying off internet which includes swapping my sim to an old phone without internet

Keeping a diary of improvements

Booking a doctors for one month today as a comfort but not going before as it's feeding me

Going to keep trying CBT and self help

Going to let this memory thing leave my brain by ignoring it until I forget about it (ha the one thing I'm worried about I'm trying to do)

I just spoke to a helpline, I'm 29 forgod sake until the op was fine but now I've all of a sudden got all these issues. My brain is playing tricks and instead of fighting it I'm going to try to ignore it.

I'm going swimming and playing football with friends on Saturday. Each time I think off illness I'll just say I can't do anything until doctors and hopefully by then I may not even need it. These memory issues are the same as last time I had anxiety This bad and guess what they went.

Thanks Kate. Chris, Fishmanpa etc

Your truly incredible people and I wish you the best for the future. When we are old and have real issues we can have a good moan then ha

Also just want to say that this website is incredible and used right can be the best thing to ever happen.

17-12-13, 19:13
Good luck Sean

I really hope you can come back healthier and happier from this

Take care

17-12-13, 19:30
Thank you Nicola. I, hoping the steps I've decided on work but I've needed a plan for a while.

17-12-13, 19:57
Sean , if you follow those steps then you will be sorted. Good luck

17-12-13, 20:00
Best of luck Sean, I hope that you will feel better soon.

Might I suggest one or two things that will really help your recovery?

- learn a daily relaxation method like meditation and practice it *every day* for at least 5/10 minutes

- try to get outside for a brisk walk every second day, 15/20 mins in the daylight if you can

- eat and drink well, feed your body to feed your mind and mood

- go to YouTube, look for videos on EFT tapping techniques for anxiety and panic, use the tapping each time you find yourself spiralling into those irrational thoughts

- do something creative or enjoyable at least once a day, get your endorphins flowing in whatever way you can, the happy hits will help lift your mood

Wishing you all the best x

17-12-13, 20:10
Thank you for all the advice , will take it in and follow it. The relaxation side is something I need to go with.

17-12-13, 20:14
There is a very good reason why the relaxation stuff works Sean, it's been studied and shown to be of enormous benefit to stress and anxiety problems. Meditation in particular, if done even for as little as ten minutes a day, can have a very positive effect on both physical and mental health.

17-12-13, 20:36
Thanks HoneyLove. Have you got any links. I was going to download some relaxation music on itunes but don't know what to. I think it will help the brain slow down.

17-12-13, 20:39
You don't want just relaxation music, you want something that will guide you into a relaxed stated - so look for guided meditation on iTunes or YouTube and find one that suits you. It doesn't really matter which one really.

One that I love to use is actually a book & cd combination called Control Stress by Paul McKenna - you can order it on amazon. It's very good, I listen to the recording a lot. In fact you may be able to buy the recording on iTunes, but I recommend reading the book too since it will teach you about stress.

Another book I recommend is Soul Centered by Sarah McLean. It will teach you how to mediate and explain how and why it works.

You could also look into finding a meditation class in your area.

17-12-13, 21:00
I'm going to have a look this second as is something that interests me. I had sessions of reflexology earlier this year which helped and will book in some sessions as was amazing.

17-12-13, 21:00
Reflexology is a lovely way to relax, and a nice treat for yourself :)

17-12-13, 23:47
Hi Sean,

Well done for deciding to take positive steps for yourself, that's the first and most difficult step to take so well done :yesyes:

Try and follow the advice that you've been given, it's all excellent advice and probably better than you'd get from any doctor or psychiatrist as it's from people who have been there and truly understand what it's all about :)

I wish you all the very best in your recovery Sean, remember, it's not going to be easy, recovery is never a straight line, it will have ups, downs and and twists and turns along the way, but that is normal, don't let the set backs put you off, think of them as temporary and just keep striving to move forward :hugs: