View Full Version : Feeling like im dying

17-12-13, 19:50
Hey everyone
I have been having a good week and been coping really well but today im feeling anxious. I have always struggled the most with breathing anxiety and at the moment I have developed weird body sensations. Right now my chest feels weird/tight and my head feels a bit funny. Added to this breathing anxiety and fear im going to stop breathing means i constantly feel like im dying or about to die. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

17-12-13, 19:55
Hi Becky, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad this evening.

Have you learned any techniques to help reduce the feelings of anxiety or panic when you're feeling that way?

17-12-13, 20:00
The problem is we always focus on these sensations which makes it so much worse. The professionals would say to calm down using abdominal breathing techniques which is easier said than done! Have you tried listening to relaxation tapes? Personally I find spoken ones more helpful. There are lots of free apps you can download. I've got one by Darren Marks called Deep Relax, I find his voice quite soothing. I've got stomach issues that are freaking me out at the moment and I know that because I'm focussing on every sensation I am actually making it worse! It's a complete nightmare. Hope you feel more relaxed soon. X

17-12-13, 20:12
I will check out that app thanks :) I don't really know any relaxation techniques? Deep breathing sometimes makes me feel worse I think :/

17-12-13, 20:20
The breathing techniques are not exactly about deep breathing - breathing deeply for too long will actually make you feel bad! But it's learning to slow your breathing for a couple of minutes that is really how it works.

This type of technique will change the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body to ones that literally relax you. And the focused attention on your breath will help your thoughts slow down and put you in a more relaxed state of mind. Used daily they can be very effective to reducing anxiety and panic.

17-12-13, 20:21
So just try to draw breaths out and make them last as long as possible?

17-12-13, 21:05
No, not exactly!

The method I use is breathing in for 7 counts and breathing out for 11 counts - relaxed and steady breathing.

There is a great book/CD combination called The Healing Power of the Breath by Richard Brown that teaches several breathing techniques. If practised daily they will really help with anxiety levels :)

17-12-13, 22:11
Also try the Mental Health Foundation podcasts. These include podcasts on relaxation, mindfulness and breathing exercises including the 7 in, 11 out technique. X

17-12-13, 23:43
Thank you! :)