View Full Version : what to expect from victim support

17-12-13, 20:03
hello im a 43 yr old gay male, i contacted victim support yesterday,basically i was abused sexually when i was 14 yrs old,and have not told a soul as i was scared to think what would happen if i did,but it has affected me, im a very nervous,anxious person who finds it difficult to mix with people and tend to keep my self to my self,to the point were im now taking propranalol & fluoxetine. for the last 2 yrs has im struggling to cope with life in general,
im also questioning my sexuality to the point were im thinking had this man not abused me would i be gay,plus you read that people who were abused go on to abuse which sickens me.
so i got a reply from v/s stating someone from v/s in my area will contact me,but has ive never discussed the abuse with anyone i dont know what to expect as im unsure if i intend to take it further by getting the police involved,with it been near on 30 yrs ago.

17-12-13, 20:35
Dear Sheffield

My heart goes out to you for the pain you have had to carry for so long. Victim support will be similar to other forms of counselling, that is, they will support you, not force you, into coming to terms with events which you had no control over. They are experts at dealing with people who have had your experiences, and they will work hard to make sure you are comfortable with how they work.