View Full Version : Please Help Health Anxiety for 12 years

18-12-13, 01:14
Hello my name is Nicholas and I need Help ,Opinions of what has worked for you. My story started in August of 2002 , went to the doctor for possible strep throat. I did not end up having strep throat just a cold, but my doctor ask me if my glands hurt ,I said no, she said that my glands feels a little swelled and if they did not go down in a week to come back. BAMM THAT WAS IT. I went home and googled swollen glands that weren't swore. "Lymphoma" is the first thing that pops ups. This is my first 8 years of worry , obviously after the first 6 months I realized I didn't have an aggressive type lymphoma but I knew about lymphoma so much I thought I had a slow growing lymphoma (which is a type). I saw ENt Dr. After Ent doctor some 3 and 4 times, all the same your fine they feel normal. I had MRI and CT scans , No one seems worried but me. What if their wrong. Time went but kept worrying ,it was always in the back of my mind , I couldn't enjoy my wife or kids. After about 3 years I finally went on cymbalta and did some CBT, things were looking up no worry for almost a year , I weaned off the meds and was going good for a coupe of months, then I met a guy a work who had testicular cancer in the past , what do I do ,I of course check my nuts , and I remember a little bump that has been on one since I was a teen. What do I have Testicular cancer, the world's slowest testicular cancer but I knew I had it. Went to the doctor's demanded a scan, guess what a tiny cyst that a lot of normal men have. Forgot in between the lymphoma and testicular cancer ,I have a brain tumor , Mri NO tumor. But again after all these test , What if they are wrong. Now couple years go bye back on the meds and it was up and down but way more manageable. Then hell broke lose in Oct 2011 twitching muscles in my calfs, Look on the interest ,I have ALS . Worried is not even the word. I went a couple months trying to convince myself I didn't have it. I could not do it. Went back to CBT and got back on my meds, Not before thinking the twitching was from another brain tumour "MRI Normal" , then have a muscle study "Normal". Back in CBT and on Cymbalta I go another year of pretty good ups. I wean off the meds and guess what now I believe the Twicthing which never went away and the prickly itchy feeling I have had on and off the past 8 years was MS. I go to the Dr. Get a MRI of brain and Cervical spine. Normal results. I started back on my meds now. The prickly itching feeling has went away , the Twicthing is still going on which has never stoped since it started,, but have calmed down tremendously. If you can relate please help , please let me know what has worked for you. I am leaving out a couple diseases but I know I'm forgetting. I don't make my symptoms up and I don't get health anxixy until I get a physical symtom. I believe the muscle twitching could be a by product of years of meds. But I am all for meds if it helps , please share what meds, steps , books or counseling has help you

18-12-13, 02:00
hi you sounded like me in 08 I had a dizzy feeling at work and took my blood pressure and it was high and that started my heart worries had all the test done and heart was fine my went to the the ER so many times took MRI Cat scans all normal but every time I felt dizzy I would think I having a heart attack or stroke. google was my best friend too. went to psyc DR and went on Lexapro that help and was ok till now back to worring about my bp keep taking it and its from high to lower so I cant tell what im running. it helps when I see lower readings. but meds help from panicing. hope you feel better.

18-12-13, 10:28
Hi Nicholas,

The key aspects of recovery are:

Stop reassurance-seeking behaviour
Acceptance of your symptoms


18-12-13, 10:41
Hi Nicoli, I would say all of us can relate to a certain degree. Someone posted here not long ago about the difference between Hypocondria and Hypocondriac. You have Hypocondria, as do I. I don't go to the dr with made up illness' I go to the dr with symptoms that I think mimic an illness and I drive myself absolutely insane with the thoughts going over and over in my head. I went off my meds once and I got really bad, I knew that I could never go off my meds ever. I know my brain works differently to most. Just hang in there.