View Full Version : Blood when I wipe

Fly away Katie
18-12-13, 11:28
I've been under a lot of stress recently. My Nanna sadly passed away and I've been worried about a silly lump on my head which I went to the docs about yesterday and found out it was just my bone structure. Phewwww :)

That's one thing off my mind...

Ok, so I'm on the pill. Period is generally thurs-sun and then I start the pill again on mondays. But there was still a bit of diluted blood yestersay (tuesday).

I haven't had any blood today BUT I just had a number 2, wiped and there was a bit of blood. It wasn't a hard poo, because I've been so anxious recently.. So why the blood?

I'm so scared it's something bad like bowel cancer :'(

Anyone else had this? Xxxxxxx

18-12-13, 13:15
It is most likely piles and/or a fissure but you should see the doc who can diagnose it properly.

I get blood a lot and it is nothing sinister like cancer.