View Full Version : Temper, Temper

18-12-13, 12:05
Well, I had a bit of a temper tantrum yesterday. Sometimes I wonder if my family was raised by wolves and I was adopted. :). My four year old niece was in her first Christmas play yesterday and I found out via a FaceBook post. My brother and my sister-in-law never thought to tell me or our other brother. I would have loved to have seen it, as I am very close to my niece.

Two months ago I would have sat on my feeling and silently smoldered. Then, those smoldering feelings would have turned into paranoid thoughts and created a massive panic attack, along with a poor me party. Instead, I wrote about my feelings of anger, hurt and disappointment, and let myself feel them. I turned my irrational thoughts into rational ones. I didn't immediately call my brother and let him have it. And best of all, I didn't go to that anxious place that I used to hide in.

It's amazing what happens when we allow ourselves to truly feel our feelings, instead of burying them, and letting anxiety take over. Sometimes I think that I am more accustomed to dealing with anxiety than handling true emotions.

Celebrating yesterday as a victory!

18-12-13, 12:35
Tanner, I feel so proud of you, you're growing right in front of our eyes here :)

What an awesome human being you're discovering you are! You're doing so very well!!

Personally I need to work on allowing myself to feel anger too, instead of bottling it up. I could take a lesson from you about allowing myself to just feel it and then letting it melt away into more rational thoughts - sounds so much more healthy :)

18-12-13, 12:39
Believe me, Honey Love. It wasn't easy for me. Generally if I'm angry, the only response that I know is to blow up and say something that I will regret later, or just to bury my feelings. I know that's not healthy so I'm working on it.

Thanks for the "atta girl". I've learned so much from listening to you, Chris, Skippy, Fishmanpa, Kate and ,any others. You have certainly been an inspiration for me.

18-12-13, 12:49
Congrats on that! That's actually a really big step. Now that you let it out, in the aftermath, learn to let it go and move on ;) There's a saying I learned in sales training years ago and it applies people and situations in our lives.

"Some will, some won't, SO WHAT! NEXT!"

Positive thoughts