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18-12-13, 15:09
Why do I feel Ill and anxiety and feel like dying I can't walk sometimes thinking I'm going too collapse pains like pins in my chest and stomach neck so stiff throat feeling like a lump in there I need help please

18-12-13, 15:41
Hi welcome. These are all symptoms of anxiety. Have you been to a doctor?

19-12-13, 20:02
Hi I've been too the doctors I got given propanolol but I'm scared too take it

19-12-13, 20:06
Why are you scared to take it? It will be helpful in controlling your anxiety symptoms.

19-12-13, 20:10
It brings my anxiety too a high and I think I'm going too pass out it because I'm constantly thinking something's going too happen

20-12-13, 12:00
Hi, May not be helpful but I'm taking propranolol it is working okay and takes the edge off my anxiety :)

20-12-13, 16:34
Thanks I'm building up too taking it I brung it too work today so that's a first step