View Full Version : Introduction

18-12-13, 17:53
Hello I'm Dale im 22 from England I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for 3 weeks now and seem to be not dealing with it very well at all, I'm currently not at work and I'm rarely socialising where as before I was. My symtoms are a funny feeling in my chest for most of the day also I'm getting chest pains throughout the day, I'm finding it very difficult to sleep at night aswel but do notice when I wake up in the morning I'm fine for about an hour then all of the symptoms start again, I was just wondering if there is anyone else who is suffering the way I am and if there is any advice that can be given

18-12-13, 17:58
Hi Dale, I think most people on NMP will be experiencing these symptoms or have experienced them. The first step is to see your Doctor who my be able to arrange CBT and/or medication to help you.

18-12-13, 18:05
Yer I've been to a see my local Gp and a private doctor also I've been to see a psycaiagist and they have reassured me it is anxiety and panic attacks, I'm just finding it difficult to cope with as I have never been an axious person and these panic attacks are scaring the life out of me

18-12-13, 20:05
Anxiety is very scary until you learn to accept it and not fear it. The links on the side of this page about anxiety may help you.