View Full Version : people complaining

18-12-13, 19:38
People are complaining im too slow at work I'm feeling panicky about loosing my job, I couldn't face work today and can't stop ruminating and then panicking :(

18-12-13, 21:07
What profession do you work in Shake?

I'm a software engineer. I used to worry a lot that I was slow.

About 2 years ago I learnt to embrace my slowness and turn it around to my advantage. We now joke about it a lot in the office, but my slowness means I'm a diligent engineer. It might not be to everyone's taste but I've made a career out of being a specialist.

My favourite catchphrase is usually "hang on! I didn't quite get that? Can you explain again?". Normally meaning I need more time to think about this rubbish you're telling me. :D

18-12-13, 21:53
I am always careful at work and know I take longer to do things than he others, but at the same time I dint make as many mistakes. I am certain it's better to be more studious and get it right, shake. I appreciate your worries but we all have an ideal pace to work at. Mess about with that and perhaps greater productivity may lead to a poorer end product. Anyway, you are you. The other colleagues might just ave insecurities of their own & wish they were more like you!

19-12-13, 09:32
Thankyou for your replies made me feel much better x
I work in a factory where you need to do a certain amount an hour and I do do that I'm just at the slower end of the scale x it's great you can joke about it teej! It is better to make less mistakes tessar. Your right too dead man walking x

19-12-13, 12:25
Shake, as a manager for a large company, I can certainly say that I would rather have an employee nearer the bottom end of the production scale and that put out a high quality product. Production quotas are only one part of a job. Think of the quality work that you do and other things that you bring to the table. I often find myself worrying about things unnecessarily.

20-12-13, 12:25
Yes we have a stupid hourly target. Thanks tanner just hope my manager thinks the same as you do :)

31-12-13, 19:47
First lets hear my catastrophic tale of woe (all a figment of my imagination)....

..... So last nite I convinced myself my colleague had deliberately left some work in our order tray as a test to see if i would do it..... I didnt notice it in there til going home time.... so had clearly failed the test. She had set this test to show me up.
I visualise (for the millionth time) a dressing down from the bosses for being lazy .... & .... "when the inevitable happens" I wouldn't know whether to play the "sympathy card" & go all emotional, or react the opposite as if I don't care. It's all "such a mess"!!!

This morning materialises & it gets worse ..... My colleague is already at her desk & I am running late. I anticipate the wrath of her tongue......

Now to the REALITY......

My colleague is as nice as pie. No mention of my lateness.
Without prompting, she says the work is still in the tray because it isn't urgent....
There was no dressing down from the bosses just like there never is!
In fact, the bosses let us go early!

See....... It's so easy to get into a negative thought spiral where it escalates downwards so spectacularly..... But luckily, despite having all these thoughts, I am pleased to say I recognise my mind "going into overdrive" & although the thoughts exist, I don't "go overboard" in taking them too seriously (& that is thanks to CBT)