View Full Version : New anxiety - can't relieve from it

18-12-13, 19:40
Hi. I'm relatively new on here and have a new anxiety i'm struggling to shake off. My real problems first started 2 months ago with a HIV scare, which is still in the back of my mind as i am waiting for the 12 week window period to be over (I got a negative results at 5 weeks).

Since then, i've panicked over everything. Small lumps and bumps, marks, itches, everything.

For the past 2 weeks i've had pain in my palate at the top of my mouth, more when i swallow. I went to an orthodontist who said my teeth etc were fine (my normal dentist didnt have a free booking til january, so i spent £80 to go private). There is a small lump but at the time i couldn't tell where the pain was so he didnt look specifically for that. He did an x-ray which showed my teeth are ok. I have made a second appointment as he said come back if it doesnt clear. I have also made an appointment at the doctors.

I can't stop thinking about it as it's every time i swallow, which is obviously a lot. How do i take my mind off it? I'm thinking of counselling to see if that helps.

20-12-13, 08:32
Hi Jeff, I suffer with chronic sinusitis and when i get a sinus infection the roof of my mouth hurts but only when I would swallow. I wouldn't worry too much about it. In regards to the HIV, Im sure everything will turn out fine : )

Mrs Anxious
20-12-13, 11:01
if you concentrate on swallowing it becomes a focus like focusing on breathing which it sounds like you are doing.. although its extremely difficult, try distraction and relaxation and you may find it will ease if you dont think about it so much, take care

10-01-14, 23:53
Hi. I am still worrying about this despite a few trips to various doctors etc. I went to two GP's and they couldn't find or see anything. They said to see my dentist. I saw my dentist today and he couldn't see anything, but he did go through a list of procedures to check. He has listed the symptom and sent it off to the hospital to see if i need to get checked out by them.

The problem is that he couldnt feel a lump and kept saying "it's only a problem if there is one individual nodule" and i kept saying "there is, i can feel it, and trying to point it out." Now, I know i'm not imagining it, there is a small lump there and the fact he said it's a problem if there is one nodule has got me worried. I know i have to wait until the hospital note comes out in a few weeks but this has put me back to square one with worrying instead of helping ease my mind like he was trying to do.

11-01-14, 00:28
Hi. I am still worrying about this despite a few trips to various doctors etc. I went to two GP's and they couldn't find or see anything. They said to see my dentist. I saw my dentist today and he couldn't see anything........

The problem is that he couldnt feel a lump and kept saying "it's only a problem if there is one individual nodule" and i kept saying "there is, i can feel it, and trying to point it out."

Hi Jeff,

There has to come a time that you trust medical professionals. I would have to imagine that pointing out what you feel is suspicious and the doctor still not feeling it would mean there's nothing suspicious. How many doctors/dentists have you seen only to be told all clear?

Positive thoughts

11-01-14, 06:53
Hi Fishmanpa. I've seen two doctors and dentists. I just dont think they quite got what i was telling them about the lump, but it would be good to see a specialist.

I think some of my anxieties come from a close family member dying a number of years due to an undiagnosed tumour. Multiple GP visits and even hospital X-rays completely missed a tumour. I guess since then, my faith in doctors hasn't quite been as high as it could be. However, as you know, it's only recently my anxiety became a real day to day problem.

11-01-14, 15:27

Swallowing problems are a common symptom of anxiety. Just go through this forum and you'll see how many people (including myself) mentioned or complained about these.

As for the lump, the reason you feel it and you keep pointing it to the doctors and dentists but they keep telling there is nothing, may be that you found the ridge of the bone. I found similar "lump" some two months ago and I was scared stiff about it, but my dentist carefully explained me that it was completely normal, that almost every person on earth has an asymmetric jaw and that bone distinctions, protrusions, exostoses (small non-tumorous growths) and simply differences between left and right side are completely normal.

However, HA is not normal, it's an illness, and as soon as you resolve the lump problem you'll find yourself worrying about something else (I switched to brain tumour as soon as I solved the lump mystery, than to esophageal cancer, than to lymphoma and so on), and if your fear of "symptoms" persists, you should really start counselling.

11-01-14, 18:31
Thank you Andrash. I have felt a little better today, but i know in the night i will wake again worrying. I have been very close to arranging counselling a few times but then talked myself out of it and felt better for a few days, but then slipped back into my old ways.

I need to push myself towards the counselling, i know this.

I have also been exercising a little more and eating very healthy just to try and boost my immune system. It seems to be very low right now and has been for about 3 months. Constant colds, sore throats, coughs and sinus problems, plus I have been finding a few problems with chewing the inside of my cheeks when i sleep. I believe this is also an issue for people struggling with anxiety.

11-01-14, 19:52
Thank you Andrash. I have felt a little better today, but i know in the night i will wake again worrying. I have been very close to arranging counselling a few times but then talked myself out of it and felt better for a few days, but then slipped back into my old ways.

I need to push myself towards the counselling, i know this.

I have also been exercising a little more and eating very healthy just to try and boost my immune system. It seems to be very low right now and has been for about 3 months. Constant colds, sore throats, coughs and sinus problems, plus I have been finding a few problems with chewing the inside of my cheeks when i sleep. I believe this is also an issue for people struggling with anxiety.

Well, if you'll feel better-I am battling bronchitis as I write this :) In the last three months, I too had a fair share of canker sores, teeth clenching and consequent rashes and itches... Stress weakens immune system, that's why I was advised by psychologist to take care of my body too, not just my mind-and increased fruit and vegetables intake, fresh fruit juices (home-made) and started running once a day in addition to playing football once a week.

12-01-14, 16:29
Thanks again for your words.

Today i woke feeling a bit better, the sinus issues are relieving. I was in the shop before picking up some food and noticed my hands shaking, i thought maybe the cold weather but after a bath they still shake. This has been a tough weekend, i need to make the first step to recovery this next week by speaking to a professional.

10-04-14, 21:40
I decided to re-visit this thread after still suffering with this. It is good to read my previous messages, but now i have seen 3 GP's and 3 dentists, all of whom do not recognise the problem. I have been diagnosed with TMJ at a Dental Hospital and supposedly that is causing my headaches.

Despite seeing all these experts, none of them have done a biopsy or scan of the area i am pointing out the lump. The lump still remains and now has a red marking over which it did not have previously. My faith in doctors is already low based on family history and this has really made me worry. I don't even know where to turn next :(

10-04-14, 23:03
Jeff..anxiety is such a powerful thing..I went to the docs recently with a 'huge' gland in my neck..it was massive..I kept touching it and eventually went to docs...she felt my neck...'no significant swelling' Within an hour it was much smaller! Do you think its become bigger in your head than in reality? You have seen more than one doc and dentist and none have been worried. ..you must trust them. They can't all be incompetent. Try to relax and stop checking it! I bet you feel better when you get your other results through and all is fine.
Take care x