View Full Version : Is my throat closing up / collapsing ?!!! :(

18-12-13, 20:00
Hello all,
I'm a newbie to this site but I really need some support and advice , I had a panic attack a few days before my 18th birthday and my life has been different since.

Anyway... My worry at the minute is focused on my throat , I seem to be prone to tonsilitus and always have a sore throat! Which triggers my panic and I immediately think tht there is something wrong. My doctor sent a swap off and she told me the results shows a 'slight' infection of tonsilitus. If it is only slight why does my throat feel so wierd. I also have these 2 massive lumps behind both tonsils that look like they have a brain like texture. She said these are part of my tonsils but they look totally separated from my tonsils? So that is my first worry what are these lumps behind my tonsils? They are not small lumps they look like they are bigger than my actual tonsils?

I also always feel like my throat is closing up for some reason?! And if I aictually put a torch light to the back of my throat it looks like my right side of my throat is more closed in? Is this normal? I am so scared ! Any feedback would be helpful :( thanks xx

19-12-13, 16:05
I think if your Dr has looked at your throat and has said that the lumps are part of your tonsil then you have to stop worrying and trust your Dr is right.
If you are anxious you could be experiencing Globus which is VERY common in anxious people and totally harmless. Use the "search" box to look up others experience of Globus.
If you are still not happy with how you are feeling go back to your Dr and speak to him/her............you may just need reassurance.


19-12-13, 21:13
Thanks for your reply Sarah . I know I should trust my doctor but it's difficult as I know she knows I have health anxiety and sometimes I think that she may miss things because she isn't looking properly because she may think my anxiety is just flarig up :( I'm sick of feeling like this

I also keep gettin one really hard heart beat which feels in my throat /chest does anyone know what this is ???? X