View Full Version : Worrying I am going to die imminently

Mrs Anxious
18-12-13, 21:38
Ok so this is a depressing read a week before Xmas I'm sure but this is what's basically happening to me right now... I quit smoking 7 weeks ago and since then I have been obsessing about dying, I am so scared I have something wrong with me.... At present my thyroid is all out of whack and my iron is low... I am on meds for both, I know I am probably looking into it too much but I feel like I'm going round the twist!

I have been having very vague suicidal thoughts and just convinced I am going to die any time soon, this really scared me as I have health anxiety so I know for an absolute fact I wouldn't commit suicide!

I was wrapping presents earlier and just thought this could bet last Christmas?!! A relative has been diagnosed with lung cancer after quitting smoking 5 years ago and has been given 6-9 months to live I don't know whether that's what's playing on my mind?

Just wondered if anyone at all out here can relate to what I'm
Saying its a horrible feeling and I just wish it would go away.. Incidentally I'm 37 with a good job and loving family there is nothing else causing me stress at the moment except the quitting cigarettes

Also I came iff citalpram September 1st after 2 years I weaned off with the help of my GP I don't know if this has any bearing on anything?
Thanks for reading xx

19-12-13, 07:01
Great post.

I quit 3 months ago, and it was a direct result of beating my panic attacks. Some choices in life can be questioned. Quitting smoking is a clear choice that cannot be questioned because you made the correct choice. So well done you. I bet 80% of the people here think something is wrong with them, myself included. And I guess that's why we are both here on this site. I am sorry to here about your relative, I really am but the same argument could be used about crossing a road, or driving a car. My tonic is exercise.. it does marvels for the body and mind. Also google the health benefits of bananas, a great anti - mood lifter.

Also check out tony robins on you tube, that guy inspired me and help me change my thought process.

good luck dude

Mrs Anxious
19-12-13, 08:13
Great post.

I quit 3 months ago, and it was a direct result of beating my panic attacks. Some choices in life can be questioned. Quitting smoking is a clear choice that cannot be questioned because you made the correct choice. So well done you. I bet 80% of the people here think something is wrong with them, myself included. And I guess that's why we are both here on this site. I am sorry to here about your relative, I really am but the same argument could be used about crossing a road, or driving a car. My tonic is exercise.. it does marvels for the body and mind. Also google the health benefits of bananas, a great anti - mood lifter.

Also check out tony robins on you tube, that guy inspired me and help me change my thought process.

good luck dude

Thanks for ur reply I was starting to think I really was going mad when no-one replied, I will definitely look at that website well done on ur 3 month quit, I know how hard it is

19-12-13, 10:35
I would say the death of a reletive is playing on your mind by the sounds of it, it's probably just ticking away unconsciously even if you don't realise it. This is something your mind will have to come to terms with and accept that the same might not happen to you.

Mrs Anxious
20-12-13, 10:45
I would say the death of a reletive is playing on your mind by the sounds of it, it's probably just ticking away unconsciously even if you don't realise it. This is something your mind will have to come to terms with and accept that the same might not happen to you.

I only wish I could get my mind to come to terms with things... I have a very overactive mind, endless bable and thoughts ALL DAY... Its very draining, I just need something to help me switch off, would like to learn meditation but I dont know where to start.

20-12-13, 12:05
Have a look on Amazon they have lots of meditation books and tapes.

20-12-13, 18:11
Mrs Anxious! As awful as your current state of mind is, I completely understand it. I to get such intrusive thoughts about myself or my Mum. It's a horrible moment and you feel like you want to be swallowed up by the ground. I can say one thing, I never used to have health anxieties but I've developed it over the past few months. In a short amount of time my best friends Mum died very suddenly and my Uncle became gravelly ill (he is recovered and in great health now, thankfully :) ) A few months after this my Mum started to get panics about her health to the point where we took her to hospital a couple of times. She was fine.

I am now going through this and each night I am having palpitations. Its truly horrible as you're always thinking, what if I really am the one!!

I am pretty sure it's projection from your Aunts diagnosis which I am truly sorry to hear. Sub consciously you have tuned into the finality of life and introverted it into yourself. However, try to think that this is a slight disorder you suffer from, and other people (meeee!) also suffer. I'm pretty sure you're going to be fine but I do know how you feel. It seems so real at the time.


21-12-13, 10:13
Hi Mrs Anxious, I'm really sorry to hear what you've been going through. I would agree with others that the diagnosis for your relation is probably playing on your mind and of course if you are prone to thoughts or have an over active mind the two things combined probably cause a lot of the stress and anxiety.

I just wanted to tell you that I was diagnosed in August with a health condition and a good friend recommended meditation. I used to have such bad mind chatter, and I guess a touch of health anxiety about the future etc but the meditation really helped me to still all of this. At first I thought this will never work as I tried some online you tube tutorials but then I googled and found a local class so I attend that now. It's been fantastic and really helps to shut everything off, as do the positive affirmations that my class leader taught us to use so for me I visualise things like being healthy and well or telling myself I am as the power of the mind can do wonders for your health and spirit. I would definitely have a look to see if there or any local classes or start via you tube first as I did but I would say you can't beat having the group energy around you with the meditation as everyone is there for different reasons but with the common goal of achieving peace and healing.

:hugs: Daisy xx

Mrs Anxious
21-12-13, 11:05
Thank you again for your replies I really must look into meditation as I keep hearing how helpful it is.

I am currently very low and depressed but later on in the day this will turn to anxiety and heart will start racing etc... I alternate between the 2 aaaargh it so draining I just want to feel festive and happy as I normally do this time of year :(