View Full Version : Is this just anxiety- please help

18-12-13, 23:31
I have written a few times before about my weird symptoms that I have now had on and off for a year. I read Clare weeks book ' self help for your nerves' which has helped but as it did not describe my specific symptoms it made me question again ' is there something else wrong?' I have episodes of internal shakes, pins and needles and muscle twitches and fluttering sensations under the skin which come out if the blue. The doctors I have seen say it is anxiety but no one can tell me why it happens even when I an not feeling panicky. I do often feel hyped up though. My doctor reassures me it does not fit a neurological pattern and I have been discharged from rheumatology !
I worry about being ill and something happening to me
Please help I want to feel 'normal' again
Bronte xx

19-12-13, 00:20
Have you read this page....


It explains things for you