View Full Version : Health Concerns Wreaking Havoc

19-12-13, 03:48
Hi everybody I'm new to this group. I needed somewhere to go vent and found this website. For a while now I've been dealing with health concerns. At first, it was GI issues, then it was random pain, and recently it's been weakness and muscle twitching. I've been to several doctors at this point, including internists, gastroenterologists, neurologists, and rheumatologists, to find out what has been bothering me. To no avail, I have not been able to find anything. My bloodwork has all come back in the range it should be and my neurological tests were all fine; I had an MRI back in July that showed nothing for MS, tumors, or other diseases.

For the most part, I was able to cope with about everything. The GI issues were pesky and so was the random pain but I was still fine. The more recent weakness and twitching is what has really had me at wits end. It's debilitating in that it comes and goes at random times and does not seem to follow any trend that I know. I tried gluten free at some point to see if it would help, but did not really have an impact. I worked out for a while as well before the weakness popped up and that helped to keep me distracted some but didn't seem to be enough. It scares me at times because I worry about my future, especially concerning my job where I work in the lab. I'm afraid that I might trip and fall or drop some chemical or whatever else might happen. To this point I haven't ever fallen, but sometimes I sure feel like that might happen; unstable and loss of balance come to mind when I think about how I feel.

I'm engaged to my gorgeous fiancee and it certainly doesn't help with our relationship since she does not want to keep hearing about how poor i'm feeling all the time or my negative prognosis for the future at times. It also does not help that i'm a guy and I have to deal with these symptoms when i'm expected to be strong and just suck it up. Sometimes it just makes me want to breakdown and cry, which takes a lot to admit. I too wish I could go back to a time when this didn't bother me. I can remember back in college when I was free of these symptoms and felt so independent and could look ahead to the future without all of this stuff. I'm only 24 so it only further aggravates me that I could feel like this at my age and have it not go away.

There are plenty of times, especially recently, when i've prayed to God about my symptoms and conditions. I pray for the strength and patience to persevere and that it might all go away some time. I also wish I knew what He was trying to teach me in all of this. Bottom line is I'm so tired of dealing with this. I just feel like there's something bothering me but I can't identify what it is and it just seems to get worse and worse in my mind. I swear i've tried to keep a positive outlook at times, but when i start feeling back, it just goes down the drain. Translating the theoretical to practical seems to be a lot harder for me at times. Most of the doctors i've spoken to have just called me healthy whether directly or indirectly and sent me on my way. Nothing shows up in any tests i've had so far, but yet the pain, weakness, and overall malaise continue.

I want to agree with all of you that it's just me worrying or having become hypersensitive, but it's hard for me to just brush aside the pain or bad feelings and just move on. I really want this to stop bothering me and to stop from hurting my relationship. I'm supposed to be getting married around summertime and I hate being such a burden on my fiancee. She doesn't deserve this and I don't either. If any of you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. God bless.

19-12-13, 12:30
Welcome to the forum. I'm sure that you will find support from many like minded people on here. It has helped me tremendously. What types of things are you doing to help your anxiety? Medication? Mindfulness? CBT? There are many paths to recovery. We just have to choose one and jump in feet first.

20-12-13, 11:55
Hello and welcome to the forums