View Full Version : Chest X ray results - help me wait it out?

19-12-13, 11:15
Hello lovely people,

I had a chest x ray done yesterday afternoon after experiencing a few issues. Given that I'm an ex smoker, my GP just wanted to be on the safe side.

The ladies who took the scan told me that although the radiographer would have to look,they couldn't see anything obvious and if they had they would have got him straight there to take a look. I'm grateful to them for telling me that.

They told me that if I didn't hear anything in the next few days to just assume all is well.

So, I'm a little on edge I admit. I get a bit jumpy any time the phone rings. I honestly think that I'd be slightly nervy even if I wasn't someone trying to recover from HA.

So I just wanted to post this to help me wait it out.

Thanks for reading all x

19-12-13, 11:25
Hey there

I had the same and the guy taking it told me the same as your ladies. I was still a nervous wreck though! I was told that the fact that they have told you what they did they must be absolutely sure - otherwise they could get into trouble x

19-12-13, 11:28
I would agree. If they had any doubt then in all likelihood they would have said nothing at all.

Get yourself a mince pie and chill out.


19-12-13, 12:05
Good Morning Kate! No doubt you're going to hear good news and look back without worry. I'm sure if it had been anything serious, they would have got the radiologist to read the scan directly. Distract yourself with that lovely baby today and find something fun to do. Have a great day!

19-12-13, 12:23
Like everybody else had said if they would have seen something serious, you would have been told by now.

19-12-13, 12:33
I'll hang out and wait.... Got anything to eat? ;)

Positive thoughts

19-12-13, 14:42
I've just had one too! You'll be absolutely fine :-)x

19-12-13, 14:49
Thank you everyone!

I better not have any more mince pies today, I've had more than enough :-)

I'm doing a lot better over this than I would have a few months ago - I'd have been sat worrying the whole time whereas this time I've taken my baby for a walk and knitted him an embarrassing Christmas hat. But still, because this was something my GP thought necessary and not something I pushed for, I'm a tad nervy. The ladies who did it told me that they only fax results through quickly if there is something very wrong so if I get a call from the surgery I will literally poo myself (and yes Fishmanpa, I'll post a poo thread about it for you)

19-12-13, 15:08
I am sure everything is great if they told you that. They are trained to look for anything suspicious, and if they see it they need to take more images, etc.. So you can relax and enjoy the holiday's!

By the way, I am the same way about the phone. Anytime I get a blood test I jump when the phone rings. I feel relieved at night since I don't have to worry about them calling!

19-12-13, 15:11
lol I'll be like that when the surgery closes at 6 tonight Robin!

They did take one extra shot because they apparently didn't fit my whole chest in on the first but I have no reason to believe they weren't telling the truth :-)

19-12-13, 15:18
They would tell you the truth. They took lots of extra shots for my sons hernia yesterday, and it was very apparent since the radiologist came, etc..

19-12-13, 16:48
Hi Katesa your'll be fine my mum had lung cancer she was told as soon as she had an ex.ray and more tests done that day so you really should not worry say's I trying not to panic about knee replacement in three weeks ouch, a mince pie don't mind if I do !! Take care Simi

19-12-13, 16:51
Thank you Simi. I'm so sorry about your Mum - that must have been awful for you.

I know your knee replacement will go brilliantly

19-12-13, 17:12
if I get a call from the surgery I will literally poo myself (and yes Fishmanpa, I'll post a poo thread about it for you)

Well since all will be fine, you won't have to write that thread. That's a shame because based on some of the others I've read here, it would have been quite interesting to say the least! ;)

Positive thoughts and a mince pie!

19-12-13, 17:29
Poo threads are the only thing that keep me coming back on here. :)

Merry Christmas!

19-12-13, 17:31
Maybe I should start a thread about my babies poo.

The colours in that are sure worthy of a conversation

19-12-13, 17:34
Poo threads are the only thing that keep me coming back on here. :)

Merry Christmas!

I had a bagel with sesame seeds today. Post to follow ;)

Positive thoughts

19-12-13, 17:52
You guys crack me up.

But remember: pictures or it didn't happen!

19-12-13, 18:32
Waiting for results is never east Kate, especially for HA sufferers. You seem to be doing OK with it though, I know it's on your mind but you're dealing with it in a rational way which is a good step forwards :)

19-12-13, 18:59
Aw thank you Honeylove! You were a big help in taking the step forward

19-12-13, 19:08
I'm glad to hear that Kate! :) With everything I've learned about anxiety over the years, it's a pleasure to turn the struggle I've had into help for other people! x

19-12-13, 21:26
Hope your results are just fine :-)

19-12-13, 21:37
I also had a chest X-ray yesterday and am convinced I've got lung cancer. This has now put a shadow over Xmas as I was told I wouldn't hear anything back for another couple of weeks. :(

19-12-13, 21:51
You guys crack me up.

But remember: pictures or it didn't happen!

Crosses fingers and hopes Santa brings a camera!

My daughter once pood in the bath and handed it to me without realising. That was nice!

19-12-13, 22:32
I also had a chest X-ray yesterday and am convinced I've got lung cancer. This has now put a shadow over Xmas as I was told I wouldn't hear anything back for another couple of weeks. :(

You'd hear an awful lot sooner than 2 weeks if there was anything as bad as lung cancer hon. The techs who did mine said these things get fast tracked if there are any problems and that if I've not heard within a few days, to assume all is absolutely fine.

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

Thanks roxy hon!

Chris - I would have paid to see your face when that happened.

19-12-13, 22:43
Your time will come Katie.

I also regretted the time I tickled Maisie on my knee so much that she weed. That was quite unpleasant.

20-12-13, 10:42
Your time will come Katie.

I also regretted the time I tickled Maisie on my knee so much that she weed. That was quite unpleasant.

LOL. That's something to look forward to for sure.

Well it's day two and the day I think I'd be most likely to get a call if something was seriously wrong.

I'm doing better than I thought but I am still looking forward to 7pm tonight - then I'll know I wont be getting a call at least over the weekend. Then Monday will be the last of the "Few days" the tech mentioned. I'm really looking forward to freedom from this last niggle.

20-12-13, 13:02
Great job in handling this situation, Kate. I'm sure you're going to have a wonderful Christmas.

20-12-13, 13:47
Thanks Tanner honey! Funny how things change and you're sat calming me down. You've done so bloody well Mrs

20-12-13, 14:07
It's funny how you develop an image of someone. For some reason I had worked on the assumption Tanner was male :)

20-12-13, 14:08
I've always assumed female. That time she went on a road trip and posted updates here sealed it - definate multi-tasking.

26-12-13, 10:30
Thanks Katesa for the reassurance. It's been 9 days since I had it done and have still not heard anything back so I'm not feeling as stressed now. I know when my sister had a blood test a few weeks ago the GP called her within a couple of days as they found a problem. I guess you're right, if it's something as serious as cancer whey would be straight onto you.

I'm glad to hear also your results have come back normal, it must have been a massive weight off your shoulders!