View Full Version : Cannot explain this

19-12-13, 14:14
A couple of weeks ago I was minding my own business when suddenly I got this brief squeezing sensation which started in the side of my chest on the left, and I felt it at the same time in my left fingers and the top left side of my head. It last a second or two at the most. It shook my up and had me on edge for a while. I eventually got over it but today I was bending over and stood up and got a milder version of it with a skipped hear beat.
I'm worrying now.

19-12-13, 14:53
What did your GP say about the episode a couple of weeks ago hon?

19-12-13, 14:59
I haven't been to see them about it as I thought they would just dismiss it

19-12-13, 15:09
I don't think they would dismiss it hon but generally, pain that comes and goes isn't as alarming to them as constant or increasing pain.

The next time it happens, try to sit down, close your eyes and ask yourself - is it really that bad? Is it really a "thing" - or is it just a normal, day to day thing that everyone gets now and then (a muscle spasm etc) that is feeling worse and causing other issues because it scares you?

I used to go to the urgent care centre about all kinds of things and when they asked me to rate my pain 1-10, I'd always say 9 or 10. It wasn't until I started doing the above that I realised that it was actually the way it made me feel that was a 9 or 10 - the way it made my heart race, the panic I reacted to it with. The pain itself was more like a 3 and therefore nothing important or serious.

If you're really worried though, please see your GP. I bet it's muscular.

19-12-13, 17:58
Well I incidentally had a dr app tonight so I mentioned it and he said he didn't know what it was but didn't sound like anything serious. Probably just a muscle spasm or something.

19-12-13, 18:08

19-12-13, 18:19
I just feel so fed up at the moment. My palpitations are steadily getting worse. I'm getting sharp brief split second pains with them. Dr just says its nothing to worry about.
I've had these pains radiating from my sides which have been a bit better today actually which is Sod's law as that is what I booked the app for. To be told that was nothing to worry about as my heart and lungs sounded fine. But as we know whenever you get to the dr all these things don't happen in the ten minute app.

19-12-13, 18:28
Getting chest pain or odd sensations in your chest/heart when bending over is very typical of acid reflux Mummy, it happens to me all the time. If I remember correctly you have a reflux problem? Have you been able to get it under control?

19-12-13, 18:31
I understand feeling fed up. And it is quite hard, as someone with health anxiety, to know when we are just over reacting and when we genuinely might have an issue isn't it?

Level with me here mummyanxious - what are you afraid is the problem? And if you knew that you don't have what you fear, would you find the pains and other issues as hard as they are now or would you not mind them so much?


19-12-13, 18:34
Why would reflux cause heart pains?
He said the pain in my sides 'could' be from reflux though its not common. He's prescribed me some omoprazole for next time it gets bad.
The other day I was brushing my teeth. I could barely get the brush in my mouth for gagging and then some yellow came up into the sink. Yuk.

19-12-13, 18:40
Have you heard of heartburn? This is a typical pain in the chest/heart area that is very common with acid reflux/indigestion. The thing is it's not actually causing heart pain, but it's just causing pain in the same general area of the heart - so it's called heartburn.

If you think about it the contents of your stomach coming up is very acidic and can irritate the nerves and muscles in the heart and chest area. Reflux causes a whole lot of weird sensations, including palpitations, and discomfort due to the acid. Muscle tension and hypersensitivity due to anxiety will make all of this much worse.

Omeprazole is not a drug that works like a normal antacid, it's what's known as a PPI or acid reducer drug - it wont work if you just take it when you get reflux pain. It has to be taken for at least 2 weeks at a regular time for it to start working, and can take up to 2 months to fully work. It's more of a long term effect than a quick acting drug like gaviscon or rennie.

The best way to reduce reflux is to look at your diet and lifestyle to see what you can do to help it naturally as omeprazole or other drugs are not meant to be a long term solution.

19-12-13, 18:44
I'm worried still I have a heart condition. My last echo was almost four years ago. I've been through a massive period of stress and am worried I've developed a condition. My ECG has been clear. A monitor showed multi focal ectopics. But I get these pains that are at the same time as a heart beat.
I e got a hold on most other things that I've worried about in the past but this one remains.

---------- Post added at 18:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40 ----------

Honeylove I don't have an especially bad diet. I've cut out most stuff as chocolate, alcohol, caffeine etc gives me palpitations.
I think some of my problems are esophagial spasms but then you hear about people who have long term indigestion issues that turn out to be heart problems.
Sorry I wasn't clear with the omoprazole, he said to take OTC remedies unless it gets bad again and then to start in the course of the omoprazole

19-12-13, 18:46
You've been given the all clear on your heart through several recent tests (4 months of stress is not enough to damage your heart and develop a condition), and you know that you definitely have an acid reflux problem as well as a health anxiety problem.

It would be far better for you to focus on the (very solvable) problems you *do* have, rather than fixating on the ones you don't. In the long run tackling the real problems will be of greater benefit to your whole life.

19-12-13, 18:52
OK. I understand the fear - I think it is irrational :winks: but understandable.

I'm sure your doctor has told you that it is very unlikely that you would have developed a heart condition since your last tests.

You are correct though that stress can contribute to many problems in the future, including your heart so we need to try and help you get in to a position where you aren't stressing yourself for the next 30 years and possibly contributing to a future problem.

I understand what it's like to be fixated on the one issue. Mine was lung cancer and at one point uterine/cervical/ovarian cancer. I never stopped worrying about them until I had the best test to rule them out and then suddenly, I stopped noticing my symptoms - and then I'd find new ones!

What would it take for you to believe you don't have a heart condition? Do you need the reasons why your doctor doesn't think so explained in greater details? Another test?

I don't usually encourage people to chase tests or question the doctors too much but in your case, I see this is a long standing thing and I think possibly your heart worry is stopping you from feeling able to take your anxiety issues fully.

19-12-13, 19:39
I've been through two years of stress honeylove, that's why I'm worried. When I first got palpitations (skipped beats to be precise) I would get the occasional one which would send me into a panic spiral. I'd have no other symptoms with them and they would be occasional.
These days I get them all day every day. I don't go a day without them. I get sharp heartbeats, hot flushes, you name it. The dr told me the only type they were really worried about was when you have runs of suddenly fast heartbeat for no reason.
I've tried to ignore them completely and get on with my life but they are always butting in and reminding me they're there. They change all the time. Sometimes I get a filling up sensation in my heart and then it feels like my heart explodes.
Sometimes I can feel where I've had the palpitation for a while later.
I'm just sick of it.

19-12-13, 19:41
Have you looked at getting CBT to help you deal with this particular issue?

Also are you aware that both stress and acid reflux cause palpitations?

19-12-13, 19:43
Also are you aware that both stress and acid reflux cause palpitations?


And as I asked before, what would it take to make you believe you don't have a heart condition? What do you need?

19-12-13, 19:51
Yes honeylove. I know it all increases with stress. My stress levels have decreased lately. They're still there but I went through a real ragey period a year or so ago and I'm worried the whole anger thing has damaged my heart.
I'm trying to reason that that sharp pains are just the nerve firing and it just so happens causes a palpitation but I just can't.
And here we go again now with the armpit pain....its been gone all day and now its back. Feels like a squeezing in both armpits.

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:47 ----------

Sorry katesa, I want my echo repeated and maybe a 24 hour monitor but the dr won't entertain it because they have clear ecgs from me.

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

Oh and yes honeylove I've done cbt before and it helped massively with my health anxiety in general and my panic attacks. But for some reason I cannot get past this fear of the heart.

19-12-13, 19:54
You say your stress levels have decreased lately, but you still worry a lot about your heart. This kind of worrying is just as damaging as more obvious stress. Your brain cannot tell the different between a real or imagined threat, so while you are still worrying away about your heart you are signalling to your brain to release stress hormones into your body which will trigger more feelings of stress, the palpitations and problems like the reflux you experience.

Since your doc will no longer entertain further tests then you have several choices:

- pay for the tests privately
- change doctor

Or, the one that I really recommend:

- get some real help with the anxiety and see if it has any effect on how you feel, you've got nothing to lose by doing this alongside getting help for your palpitations.

19-12-13, 20:05
I suppose if I sit down and examine it properly I am fairly on edge and worried at the moment. Christmas is getting to me a bit and work and a couple if other things. But what I used to be able to take in my stride really gets to me physically these days. I feel like my body can't handle stress at all. mentally it can but it manifests itself through physical means and the palpitations are really severe. Usual run of the mill flip flops I can ignore but runs of them or the ones that come with sharp twinges I really can't. The ones where it feels like my heart is 'full' bother me too. And of course none of this has been caught.

19-12-13, 20:17
When you've been chronically stressed, as happens with anxiety, you become less and less able to tolerate more stress. Because of the effect of the stress hormones on your body you'll definitely start to feel is physically too.

If I were you I'd take this plan of action, work in small steps so you don't overwhelm yourself, doesn't all have to happen at once:

- go back to your CBT therapist and ask them to help you work on the heart issue

- learn some relaxation techniques like breathing exercises and meditation and use them daily for at least 15 mins

- get some light exercise in a couple of days a week, even just a brisk walk for 20 mins

- do some reading on stress and anxiety, I can recommend Flagging Stress by Dr Harry Barry or Control Stress by Paul McKenna (that one comes with a great relaxation cd)

- make sure you're looking after your mental health through eating and drinking well

- read up on Highly Sensitive People, google it and you'll come to Elaine Aaron's website, she has done a lot of research into this topic and written a couple of books, I think you'll identify with it and the advice given will be really good for you

- do some research on reflux and see what you can do about improving it

- learn some stress management techniques so that you can handle the things that overwhelm you a bit better, maybe good to chat with the CBT therapist about this too

- do something that distracts you and makes of happy everyday, do everything you can to raise your mood

19-12-13, 20:19
Thanks :) really appreciate your input

19-12-13, 20:21
I hope that you can start feeling better soon, it would be nice for you to reach a place where you don't feel so stressed and worried anymore, I can imagine that you must be exhausted at this stage x

19-12-13, 20:30
I second all that Honeylove said.

In addition, I would really suggest going back to your doctor and completely leveling with him. Don't downplay your fears or just list symptoms. Say "I know this may sound illogical to you but I have some concerns that are holding me back from improving my anxiety. I worry daily that I have a heart condition because of these reasons (list your symptoms). It would really help me start to move on if you could advise me whether you think I need further testing and if not, the reasoning behind it"

Most doctors are more than happy to oblige if they can see we really want to get better.

19-12-13, 20:37
Ah I know but I've been in and out so many times I know what they'll say. I had a monitor for a few days which did pick up some of these skipped beats but it was just normal ectopic activity. It was a relief to finally get them caught. But they weren't the really bad sharp pain ones :( and that's the trouble, testing never gets the ones that are the worry.
I don't know if a lot of it is down to posture and stuff too? I have problems with my back which I know I do. My neck isn't good atm which is probably adding to my light headedness.
Wouldn't it be lovely to wake up and not worry?

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

This sounds mad but do you think you can give yourself skipped beats by thinking about them or is that impossible I wonder. I can be going along quite happily and then ill suddenly think Ive not had one for a while and then bamn

19-12-13, 20:44
A lot of it could very well be posture hon.

I hear what you're saying, but trust me - your GP would rather you came for a forthright chat to discuss things properly then have you suffer, get more symptoms, go in when the symptoms gets too much then go home and repeat the process again. They don't think badly of anyone for going as long as there is a reason. You don't have to book a same day urgent appointment. Book one for whenever you can, write absolutely everything you want to ask and mention to them down and let them answer your points fully. I did this with my GP and she was delighted to see me trying to absorb her reasoning rather than googling.

From what little I know of heart issues (purely anecdotal through having a large amount of them in the family) you would have definitely had some indicator that would flag things up to your doctor by now. I am certain you don't have a heart issue (maybe in 30 years if you keep getting in a tizz like I said earlier :winks:) I'm only advising you to go to the GP to help you move on

19-12-13, 20:46
Really appreciate you taking the time to help x

19-12-13, 20:48
---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

[/COLOR]This sounds mad but do you think you can give yourself skipped beats by thinking about them or is that impossible I wonder. I can be going along quite happily and then ill suddenly think Ive not had one for a while and then bamn

I think anxiety can do that yes. And there are lots of other reasons that aren't serious. For example, I have an over active thyroid and get them pretty frequently (and have a super fast heartbeat)

19-12-13, 20:55
Had my thyroid checked, all good. All my bloods are great other than ferratin which is lower side of normal and hasn't gone up much in two months :/ dr again was not worried. Said it was probably normal for me and given my age.

19-12-13, 21:01
I was just saying that there are many conditions that can cause it that aren't related to the heart. If you heard mine go you'd think I was about to have a heartattack but the only problem is my endocrine system. There are loads of other things like this

19-12-13, 21:10
Hi Mummy A

I've been reading through this thread as it's unfolded and I've followed many of your previous ones as well. I know this has been a worry of your's for some time. These kind ladies recommendations are spot on and I want to second them.

Ask yourself this.... If indeed you were diagnosed with a serious issue, would you not want it treated and healed? Would you do whatever you could to fight? Now, based on what I've read over the months, I don't think you have a heart problem (I'm not a doctor but I've have/had heart problems). You know as darn well you suffer from anxiety issues, specifically HA. Anxiety IS a serious illness! There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. I'd go as far as to say it can be and is a crippling affliction for some.

Knowing this, would you not do whatever you can do within you power to beat this beast? If you could stop the fear, the funky feeling and beats, the worry, the wasted days and nights, by treating your anxiety, would you not do whatever you could do?

Therein lies the real issue. You have to be exhausted by this. For goodness sakes, I get exhausted just thinking how you must feel dealing with this day after day. You have so much to live for, your family and yourself. There's so much beauty and great things to enjoy in this world. Don't allow anxiety to take it away from you. Listen to what HLove and Kate are telling you and fight back!

Positive thoughts

19-12-13, 22:06
Mummy i feel your pain. My started just over a year ago when i got a massive run of eptopics . I thought i was having a heart attack so called an ambulance. From that point on i have spent every day in a dizzy eptopic crazy world. To work me up more i have a very abnormal ecg and went through the mill. I've had numerous ecgs all abnormal (typical of a cardiomyopthy) stress test, echo and most recently a ct. All havve been ok (ct showed clear but small coronary arteries). The cardioligist doesn't know why im getting so many runs of palps, he said sometimes the electric go before a cardiomyopthy comes but that its very rare (and he only said that because there is no getting around my ecg) so a year on i still get these awful things everyday, its hard to accept that nothing is wrong when these things are just not ok to love with but since my ct i have calmed down, and guess what? They have cut my 70%. That in less than a month! Somehow the stress of worrying about it made it happen. I came to the conclusion that any one of us could go at any time from a heart condition, in fact some of us probably will but i don't want to worry about it anymore. Sadly though i have just moved on to the next hinge which is ovarian cancer and am now awaiting an ultrasound :-(

19-12-13, 22:50
Mummy, I've been following this thread and have to agree with Kate, HoneyLove and Fishmanpa. You have to be mentally and physically exhausted from all of the worrying. We all know that anxiety can and does cause every "heart" symptom that you have. Reflux most certainly can be a culprit as well.

I had to come to a place where I genuinely accepted that all of the symptoms were caused by anxiety. I had to say, "the heck with it. If you're going to kill me, just go ahead and do it". Eventually I was able to smile about the symptoms and just shake my head.

Time to tackle the real problem. Anxiety!

What are you doing to take care of your anxiety? What specific things are you doing every single day?

20-12-13, 02:06
Fish Tan I really do hear you. I'm struggling to explain myself properly. I've done the cbt thing. If I get a thought about something creep in I can relationally reason with myself and quell my fear. My panic never gets to panic proportions any more because I recognise the symptoms and cut them off.
But this worry I just can't do it with it which make me think that just maybe that's because I shouldn't be ignoring it. Am I making any sense at all?
Just woke in the middle of this night and immediately felt the seeping feeling in my armpits. Flew up in bed. Felt overwelming nausea. Started sweating. Took my pulse, 85, got something to fan myself started to shiver. Talked to myself to calm my breathing and then I started burping and realised that my bowels felt bloated.

---------- Post added at 02:06 ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 ----------

Sorry cut myself off there!
I know what worries me about it all is that you'll see people say I had indigestion symptoms and it turned out I had heart problems. How do you tell the difference? Does the heart cause the indigestion or does indigestion cause the heart?

20-12-13, 02:18
Fish Tan I really do hear you. I'm struggling to explain myself properly. I've done the cbt thing. If I get a thought about something creep in I can relationally reason with myself and quell my fear. My panic never gets to panic proportions any more because I recognise the symptoms and cut them off.
But this worry I just can't do it with it which make me think that just maybe that's because I shouldn't be ignoring it. Am I making any sense at all?
Just woke in the middle of this night and immediately felt the seeping feeling in my armpits. Flew up in bed. Felt overwelming nausea. Started sweating. Took my pulse, 85, got something to fan myself started to shiver. Talked to myself to calm my breathing and then I started burping and realised that my bowels felt bloated.

---------- Post added at 02:06 ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 ----------

Sorry cut myself off there!
I know what worries me about it all is that you'll see people say I had indigestion symptoms and it turned out I had heart problems. How do you tell the difference? Does the heart cause the indigestion or does indigestion cause the heart?

I downloaded and I'm reading the free CBT course offered here. I just read part of the first workbook and see everything you're experiencing concerning the physical symptoms. You have anxiety. It really isn't your heart. Now you can choose to continue to believe this or you can treat the root of the problem.

You've seen doctors and been tested several times. Each time the results were normal. You have a choice MummyA. What you decide to do ultimately will dictate how you live your life. Think of it this way. You're in a relationship with someone (anxiety) that is causing you a lot of stress and making you unhappy. That relationship is co-dependent. As bad as you feel being with this person (anxiety), you stay. It's unhealthy. You need to break it off and find someone (yourself) that treats you right ;)

Positive thoughts and good luck.