View Full Version : :( not good

19-12-13, 14:17
had a really good few months, no panic or anxiety...then out the blue at work i felt awful...not sure where it came from ...i controlled myself not to go into a full blow panic attack..i really wanted to walk out of work and go home but i didnt now i feel like im back to square one this is so depressing i just want to cry...i thought this was the season to be jolly but doesn't look like it will be for me
friends and close family have commented on how well and happy i have been lately i just hope they dont think im cured lol
i just can't get the feeling of dread away...i know i will battle on but its not the way i wish to spend my christmas hols
why does it do this why does it just come out of the blue for me....am i stressed with out knowing...
thats it feels better to have a moan on here lol

19-12-13, 17:12
It can be a stressful time of year for many and I always feel a bit better after a moan lol

Mrs Anxious
19-12-13, 21:59
Aww I know how u feel, I had another panic attack at 4am this morning along with suicidal thoughts :ohmy: I just don't know what's going on anymore... I like you am not looking forward to Xmas... Has anything been stressing u out lately that might of started this off again? Maybe someone was looking at you in work or you got too hot? Hopefully it was. One off and after a good nights sleep u will feel a bit better tomorrow, take care x