View Full Version : Oral thrush/Oral candidiasis + Fatigue

19-12-13, 15:15
So, I have what I'm pretty certain is recurrent oral thrush, combined with regular fatigue that kicks in from around 3-4 hours after waking up. A few oral sores have also appeared recently. I actually thought the recurrent thrush was fairly benign, but after a google search, I've convinced myself that I might have an immunocompromising condition like cancer (specifically leukaemia) or HIV.

It's causing me enormous anxiety and stress.

Note, the pictures below were actually taken after I scraped most of the thrush off my tongue. Yes, hardly ideal, but I only researched tonight after cleaning my teeth.

Pictures are here- add this to the dropbox url: /sc/1fknri01gdvxadx/BW-v4NYb5N