View Full Version : Blood pressure update!

19-12-13, 15:26
Very quick recap. I saw my GP a week and a 1/2 ago. My BP was around 155/100. He told me to check at home 3x a week and come back in a month. This happened to me 2 yrs ago, I ended up doing the 24hr monitor, BP was good. Had a fear of taking it since.

So since then, I have taken my BP on 3 days out of 10 which is pretty good, as it hasn't taken over my life! (which I was worried about) When I do take it, I spread it out over 45min and take multiple readings since my anxiety effects things.

My first reading is always the highest. Maybe 160/105. My pulse is higher too. Then it comes down to the high 140's. And after 5 or 6 readings, it is even in the 130's or occasionaly 120's. Sometimes I will then get a higher reading, which I guess makes me nervous, and the readings go back up. I will keep trying to finish on a 'low note' : ) and keep taking readings until it settles, but sometimes I think this skew's my readings up.

Anyway, my 4 totals have been 142/90, 139/105 (I think I had cuff on wrong because dialostic was too high and they didn't happen again) and 148/89. That was yesterday, and I think that was higher due to my anxious AM with my son's ultrasound.

So my average so far is 145/90 or so. I am starting to accept that I may need some BP meds. But I am worried that anxiety is skewing my results up. But I am also worried about really having high BP, but thinking it is anxiety so not getting treated! It is a catch 22.

I will take a break for the holiday's, and do my other 2 week of measurements in Jan, and see my GP in a month.

The main thing is my son is ok, and high BP is not the end of the world!

19-12-13, 15:44
Well done on your mindset Robin!

I totally understand what you mean - it's difficult sometimes to know we have anxiety and try to accept that it is the cause of something, but also know when we have a "real" issue that needs checking up x

19-12-13, 16:24
Good going on managing everything. Wait and see what the doc says but if you do need to take a BP med it would be a low dose. I took them for years and years. It was a must for me. Now, after losing a lot of weight (I don't recommend the diet I was on!), I'm off BP meds and just take a small dose beta blocker. So IF it ends up that you have to, it's certainly not the end of the world ;)

Positive thoughts